Longevity Improvements From Science

Longevity Improvements From Science by Martin K Ettington Audiobook
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Product Info

Sounded ID: 9781518910883

ISBN: 9781518910883

Publication Date: February 02, 2020

Publisher: AuMartin K Ettington

Language: English

Author Name: Martin K Ettington

Narrator Name: Martin K Ettington

Studio Narrated Audiobook 38 mins | HEALTH and FITNESS | Diet and Nutrition

Longevity Improvements From Science

AuMartin K Ettington
Martin K Ettington

Studio Narrated Audiobook

This audiobook is a traditionally narrated work produced in a studio with a live voice actor and contains no content generated using Voice Replica technologies or synthetic narration.

Did you know that life expectancy has increased at a very steady rate of 3 months per year for the last 150 years?
This little known fact shows that many different changes in our civilization, medicine, and science have led to much longer lives than our ancestors would have thought possible.
So what does the future hold? What life extension work is being done now, and when can we see more extended lifespans?
In this book, the major conventional technologies and approaches to life extension are reviewed.
There is also lots of interesting information on the changes in human l...

Did you know that life expectancy has increased at a very steady rate of 3 months per year for the last 150 years?
This little known fact shows that many different changes in our civilization, medicine, and science have led to much longer lives than our ancestors would have thought possible.
So what does the future hold? What life extension work is being done now, and when can we see more extended lifespans?
In this book, the major conventional technologies and approaches to life extension are reviewed.
There is also lots of interesting information on the changes in human lifespans over time, and records of long lived plants and animals—which we may learn from to lengthen our own lives.


# Title Duration
1. opening-credits-192-nr2

0 mins 13 secs

2. 01-book-information-192-nr2

0 mins 56 secs

3. chapter1-introduction-192-nr2

1 mins 03 secs

4. chapter2-the-increase-in-life-expectancy-192-nr2

4 mins 15 secs

5. chapter3-long-lived-plants-192-nr2

4 mins 28 secs

6. chapter4-long-lived-animals-192-nr2

4 mins 33 secs

7. chapter5-types-of-biological-immortality-192-nr2

3 mins 14 secs

8. chapter6-life-extension-technologies-192-nr2

1 mins 12 secs

9. chapter7-red-wine-extract-resvestrol-192-nr2

4 mins 50 secs

10. chapter8-calorie-restriction-diets-192-nr2

3 mins 04 secs

11. chapter9-hormone-treatments-192-nr2

2 mins 03 secs

12. chapter10-antioxidants-192-nr2

2 mins 20 secs

13. chapter11-telomeres-192-nr2

1 mins 46 secs

14. chapter12-electronic-digital-technological-solutions-192-nr2

0 mins 37 secs

15. chapter13-the-personal-longevity-program-192-nr2

1 mins 10 secs

16. chapter14-bibliography-192-nr2

0 mins 59 secs

17. closing-credits-192-nr2

0 mins 15 secs

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