"Tortoise" is a mesmerizing collection of poetry that delves into the intricate beauty and profound solitude of existence. With evocative language and vivid imagery, the poems explore the journey of a baby tortoise as it navigates the world, from the moment of its birth to its slow and steady exploration. The verses capture the tortoise's indomitable spirit, its resilience in the face of an inert universe, and its relentless pursuit of life's simple pleasures. In addition to the titular poem, the collection delves into themes of isolation, family connections, and the complexities of desire. Ri...
"Tortoise" is a mesmerizing collection of poetry that delves into the intricate beauty and profound solitude of existence. With evocative language and vivid imagery, the poems explore the journey of a baby tortoise as it navigates the world, from the moment of its birth to its slow and steady exploration. The verses capture the tortoise's indomitable spirit, its resilience in the face of an inert universe, and its relentless pursuit of life's simple pleasures. In addition to the titular poem, the collection delves into themes of isolation, family connections, and the complexities of desire. Rich with emotion and philosophical insights, "Tortoise" invites readers to contemplate the profound mysteries of existence and the resilience of the human spirit.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 51 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
3 mins 14 secs |
2. | Chapter 2 |
1 mins 59 secs |
3. | Chapter 3 |
2 mins 34 secs |
4. | Chapter 4 |
4 mins 48 secs |
5. | Chapter 5 |
1 mins 40 secs |
6. | Chapter 6 |
4 mins 19 secs |