A young traveler ventures to the ancient sea town of Kingsport, drawn by the mysterious customs and secrets of his forefathers. As he arrives during the Yuletide season, he becomes immersed in a world older than civilization itself, where ancient rituals and dark legends hold sway. Guided by silent figures, he descends into the bowels of the town, into a subterranean realm of unfathomable horrors. There, amidst grotesque landscapes and eerie ceremonies, he witnesses a primal rite that defies comprehension. "The Festival" is a chilling tale of ancestral legacy, cosmic dread, and the unforgiving...
A young traveler ventures to the ancient sea town of Kingsport, drawn by the mysterious customs and secrets of his forefathers. As he arrives during the Yuletide season, he becomes immersed in a world older than civilization itself, where ancient rituals and dark legends hold sway. Guided by silent figures, he descends into the bowels of the town, into a subterranean realm of unfathomable horrors. There, amidst grotesque landscapes and eerie ceremonies, he witnesses a primal rite that defies comprehension. "The Festival" is a chilling tale of ancestral legacy, cosmic dread, and the unforgiving forces that lie dormant beneath the surface of our reality.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 52 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
19 mins 37 secs |