Sounded ID: 9781667935843
ISBN: 9781667935843
Publication Date: December 09, 2021
Publisher: Author's Republic
Language: English
Author Name: Martin K. Ettington
Narrator Name: Martin K. Ettington
Over the centuries, many types of yogic practices have been developed to help improve spirit, mind, and body. This new series of books on Yoga explores the history, traditions, and exercises of many different yoga practices. Here are three books on Yoga in one package:
Yoga-An Ancient Art Form
The word yoga takes us back to the ancient times and brings to mind a plethora of images of extraordinary postures that seem impossible to attempt, let alone master. Yoga is much more than mastering the various postures or increasing your flexibility. It is an ancient practice that involves var...
Over the centuries, many types of yogic practices have been developed to help improve spirit, mind, and body. This new series of books on Yoga explores the history, traditions, and exercises of many different yoga practices. Here are three books on Yoga in one package:
Yoga-An Ancient Art Form
The word yoga takes us back to the ancient times and brings to mind a plethora of images of extraordinary postures that seem impossible to attempt, let alone master. Yoga is much more than mastering the various postures or increasing your flexibility. It is an ancient practice that involves various physical stances as well as several mental and breathing exercises that cleanse our mind, body and soul.
Raja Yoga-Throughout the Ages
This Book aims at enlightening you and takes you into the wonderful yet mysterious world of Yoga and in particular Raja Yoga. This eBook helps you understand Raja Yoga better and the basics that can help you get started.
"The traditional purpose of Yoga, however, has always been to bring about a profound transformation in the person through the transcendence of the ego," Feuerstein
Hatha Yoga-Helping you Live Better
The origins, the concept, the ultimate goal and the various benefits of practicing such an ancient art form are still unknown to many. Beyond the assumption that it started in India, the knowledge about yoga takes a dip into the unknown. There are a lot of intricacies that are associated with this art form that need to be understood to really reap the true benefits of this ancient art form.
This Book aims at enlightening you and takes you into the wonderful yet mysterious world of Yoga and in particular Hatha Yoga. This Book helps you understand Hatha Yoga better and the basics that can help you get started.
# | Title | Duration |
1. | opening-credits-192-nr |
0 mins 13 secs |
2. | book-information-192-nr |
2 mins 34 secs |
3. | yoga-art-form-.01-opening-credits-192-nr |
0 mins 12 secs |
4. | yoga-art-form-.02-book-information-nr |
2 mins 12 secs |
5. | yoga-art-form-1-forward-192-nr |
1 mins 31 secs |
6. | yoga-art-form-2-some-of-the-common-yoga-terms-192-nr |
2 mins 27 secs |
7. | yoga-art-form-3-yoga-an-introduction-192-nr |
2 mins 24 secs |
8. | yoga-art-form-4-yoga-some-misconceptions-and-myths-192-nr |
2 mins 12 secs |
9. | yoga-art-form-5-yoga-a-brief-look-back-in-time-192-nr |
6 mins 09 secs |
10. | yoga-art-form-6-why-yoga-192-nr |
4 mins 17 secs |
11. | yoga-art-form-7-physiological-and-psychological-benefits-of-yoga-192-nr |
2 mins 08 secs |
12. | yoga-art-form-8-yoga-and-health-192-nr |
8 mins 55 secs |
13. | yoga-art-form-9-branches-of-yoga-192-nr |
12 mins 52 secs |
14. | yoga-art-form-10-basic-yoga-poses-192-nr |
8 mins 36 secs |
15. | yoga-art-form-11-summary-192-nr |
1 mins 05 secs |
16. | yoga-art-form-12-bibliography-192-nr |
0 mins 46 secs |
17. | yoga-art-form-closing-credits-192-nr |
0 mins 15 secs |
18. | raja-yoga-.01-opening-credits-192-nr2 |
0 mins 13 secs |
19. | raja-yoga-.02-book-information-192-nr2 |
2 mins 12 secs |
20. | raja-yoga-.03-forward-192-nr2 |
1 mins 32 secs |
21. | raja-yoga-chapter1-yoga-a-brief-look-into-its-depths-192-nr2 |
3 mins 30 secs |
22. | raja-yoga-chapter2-a-look-back-in-time-192-nr2 |
4 mins 30 secs |
23. | raja-yoga-chapter3-branches-of-yoga-192-nr2 |
3 mins 32 secs |
24. | raja-yoga-chapter4-the-benfits-of-yoga-192-nr2 |
4 mins 50 secs |
25. | raja-yoga-chapter5-raja-yoga-an-introduction-192-nr2 |
2 mins 19 secs |
26. | raja-yoga-chapter6-the-concept-of-yoga-192-nr2 |
6 mins 02 secs |
27. | raja-yoga-chapter7-the-eight-step-yoga-192-nr2 |
26 mins 30 secs |
28. | raja-yoga-chapter8-summary-192-nr2 |
1 mins 59 secs |
29. | raja-yoga-chapter9-bibliography-192-nr2 |
0 mins 44 secs |
30. | raja-yoga-closing-credits-192-nr2 |
0 mins 14 secs |
31. | hatha-yoga-.01-opening-credits-192-nr2 |
0 mins 12 secs |
32. | hatha-yoga-.02-book-information-192-nr2 |
1 mins 58 secs |
33. | hatha-yoga-.03-forward-192-nr2 |
1 mins 36 secs |
34. | hatha-yoga-chapter1-yoga-a-brief-look-into-its-depths-192-nr2 |
3 mins 30 secs |
35. | hatha-yoga-chapter2-a-look-back-in-time-192-nr2 |
4 mins 31 secs |
36. | hatha-yoga-chapter3-branches-of-yoga-192-nr2 |
3 mins 33 secs |
37. | hatha-yoga-chapter4-the-benefits-of-yoga-192-nr2 |
4 mins 50 secs |
38. | hatha-yoga-chapter5-hatha-yoga-an-introduction-192-nr2 |
1 mins 58 secs |
39. | hatha-yoga-chapter6-hatha-yoga-its-orgins-and-myths-192-nr2 |
2 mins 01 secs |
40. | hatha-yoga-chapter7-hatha-yoga-its-method-and-practice-192-nr2 |
2 mins 24 secs |
41. | hatha-yoga-chapter8-the-concept-of-hatha-yoga-192-nr2 |
2 mins 13 secs |
42. | hatha-yoga-chapter9-hatha-yoga-how-it-affects-us-192-nr2 |
2 mins 40 secs |
43. | hatha-yoga-chapter10-benefits-of-hatha-yoga-192-nr2 |
5 mins 21 secs |
44. | hatha-yoga-chapter11-types-of-hatha-yoga-192-nr2 |
11 mins 01 secs |
45. | hatha-yoga-chapter12-techniques-of-hatha-yoga-192-nr2 |
19 mins 28 secs |
46. | hatha-yoga-chapter13-bibliography-192-nr2 |
0 mins 38 secs |
47. | hatha-yoga-closing-credits-192-nr2 |
0 mins 15 secs |
48. | closing-credits-192-nr |
0 mins 15 secs |