To Whom This May Come is a book by Edward Bellamy published in 1898. The story follows a man who takes passage on a ship from Calcutta to New York. After encountering a terrible storm, the shipwreck survivor finds himself in a land inhabited by a white and civilized race. However, he soon realizes that none of the languages he knows are intelligible to them. Despite his attempts to communicate in various languages, he fails to make himself understood. Eventually, he resorts to using sign language, which amuses the locals greatly. The book explores themes of communication, language barriers, an...
To Whom This May Come is a book by Edward Bellamy published in 1898. The story follows a man who takes passage on a ship from Calcutta to New York. After encountering a terrible storm, the shipwreck survivor finds himself in a land inhabited by a white and civilized race. However, he soon realizes that none of the languages he knows are intelligible to them. Despite his attempts to communicate in various languages, he fails to make himself understood. Eventually, he resorts to using sign language, which amuses the locals greatly. The book explores themes of communication, language barriers, and cultural differences.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 53 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
34 mins 23 secs |