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"The Gambler," a novella by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, presents readers with a compelling narrative that delves into the tumultuous and compulsive world of gambling as experienced by its protagonist, Alexei Ivanovich. Serving as a young tutor to the family of a destitute Russian general, Alexei finds himself entangled in a web of desire, desperation, and chance within the grandeur of a German hotel's environment. Dostoyevsky skilfully channels his personal struggles with gambling into the fabric of the story, laying bare the psyche of a man consumed by the lure of roule...
"The Gambler," a novella by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, presents readers with a compelling narrative that delves into the tumultuous and compulsive world of gambling as experienced by its protagonist, Alexei Ivanovich. Serving as a young tutor to the family of a destitute Russian general, Alexei finds himself entangled in a web of desire, desperation, and chance within the grandeur of a German hotel's environment.
Dostoyevsky skilfully channels his personal struggles with gambling into the fabric of the story, laying bare the psyche of a man consumed by the lure of roulette—a metaphorical reflection of the author's own arduous battle with addiction. Mirroring the urgency with which Dostoyevsky wrote the book—to settle his gambling debts—the narrative unfolds at a brisk pace under the pressure of the characters' own financial predicaments.
In the first-person account, we see the world through Alexei's eyes as he navigates the fragile social standing of his employer, 'The General,' who resides in financial ruin, fiercely dependent on the anticipated death of his affluent aunt. Known as "Grandmother," her failing health sparks a flurry of desperate telegrams, as The General's prospects of debt relief and marriage to the captivating Mademoiselle Blanche de Cominges hinge on her timely demise.
Within this morass of anticipation and anxiety, Alexei's infatuation with Polina, The General's stepdaughter, propels him into the seductive yet volatile arenas of love and chance. Polina's enigmatic request for Alexei to gamble on her behalf sees him caught between the thrill of indulging her and the turmoil of his unrequited love. His eventual triumph at the roulette table fails to elucidate Polina's motives or diminish the sting of her aloofness, leaving Alexei mired in a complex emotional quagmire.
The intrigue deepens as Alexei's relationship with Mr. Astley, an introspective English noble with his own discreet affection for Polina, grants him insight into the dire financial straits of the people around him. Through their interaction, we are offered deeper glimpses into the workings of misguided love, cultural pressures, and the insatiable appetite for wealth and status.
Dostoyevsky's "The Gambler" stands as a powerful psychological study, artfully interwoven with themes of addiction, love, and the capricious nature of luck. It remains a testament to the enduring talent of its author, whose own vices served as the crucible for a tale of enduring literary significance.
Narrated by Gill Mills with TrueVoice, a Digital Replica licensed with consent, exclusively to
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
2 mins 59 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
21 mins 35 secs |
2. | Chapter 2 |
14 mins 31 secs |
3. | Chapter 3 |
11 mins 30 secs |
4. | Chapter 4 |
13 mins 21 secs |
5. | Chapter 5 |
18 mins 52 secs |
6. | Chapter 6 |
19 mins 10 secs |
7. | Chapter 7 |
16 mins 58 secs |
8. | Chapter 8 |
20 mins 36 secs |
9. | Chapter 9 |
22 mins 11 secs |
10. | Chapter 10 |
31 mins 33 secs |
11. | Chapter 11 |
21 mins 27 secs |
12. | Chapter 12 |
30 mins 27 secs |
13. | Chapter 13 |
28 mins 03 secs |
14. | Chapter 14 |
21 mins 20 secs |
15. | Chapter 15 |
24 mins 45 secs |
16. | Chapter 16 |
24 mins 20 secs |
17. | Chapter 17 |
25 mins 37 secs |