"The Wind in the Willows" is a beloved children's novel written by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. The story follows the adventures of anthropomorphic animals living in the English countryside, particularly focusing on the characters of Mole, Rat, Toad, and Badger. The novel is a charming tale of friendship, camaraderie, and the joys of the simple life, as the characters embark on various escapades along the riverbank and in the surrounding woods. From Toad's reckless obsession with motorcars to the serene pleasures of boating and picnicking, "The Wind in the Willows" captures the es...
"The Wind in the Willows" is a beloved children's novel written by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. The story follows the adventures of anthropomorphic animals living in the English countryside, particularly focusing on the characters of Mole, Rat, Toad, and Badger. The novel is a charming tale of friendship, camaraderie, and the joys of the simple life, as the characters embark on various escapades along the riverbank and in the surrounding woods. From Toad's reckless obsession with motorcars to the serene pleasures of boating and picnicking, "The Wind in the Willows" captures the essence of pastoral life while also imparting timeless lessons about loyalty, bravery, and the importance of friendship.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 21 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
28 mins 03 secs |
2. | Chapter 2 |
28 mins 05 secs |
3. | Chapter 3 |
27 mins 57 secs |
4. | Chapter 4 |
29 mins 27 secs |
5. | Chapter 5 |
32 mins 03 secs |
6. | Chapter 6 |
29 mins 11 secs |
7. | Chapter 7 |
23 mins 01 secs |
8. | Chapter 8 |
28 mins 46 secs |
9. | Chapter 9 |
35 mins 13 secs |
10. | Chapter 10 |
37 mins 36 secs |
11. | Chapter 11 |
39 mins 57 secs |
12. | Chapter 12 |
30 mins 03 secs |