In this poignant and thought-provoking rhymed satire, "The Story of an Ostrich" explores the complexities of human existence, exposing the arrogance of power and inviting reflection on justice, compassion, and our shared responsibilities.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 54 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
1 mins 45 secs |
2. | Chapter 2 |
1 mins 19 secs |
3. | Chapter 3 |
3 mins 30 secs |
4. | Chapter 4 |
0 mins 40 secs |
5. | Chapter 5 |
2 mins 51 secs |
6. | Chapter 6 |
0 mins 57 secs |
7. | Chapter 7 |
2 mins 42 secs |
8. | Chapter 8 |
0 mins 47 secs |
9. | Chapter 9 |
0 mins 30 secs |
10. | Chapter 10 |
0 mins 43 secs |
11. | Chapter 11 |
2 mins 31 secs |
12. | Chapter 12 |
1 mins 25 secs |
13. | Chapter 13 |
2 mins 06 secs |
14. | Chapter 14 |
1 mins 15 secs |
15. | Chapter 15 |
2 mins 51 secs |