My Mixed Reading

My Mixed Reading by Zhou Zuoren Audiobook
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Product Info

Sounded ID: 9781662172717

ISBN: 9781662172717

Publication Date: February 01, 2021

Publisher: Author's Republic

Language: chi

Author Name: Zhou Zuoren

Narrator Name: Li Rongbao

Studio Narrated Audiobook 1 hrs 36 mins | ART | Individual Artists | Essays

My Mixed Reading

Zhou Zuoren
Author's Republic
Li Rongbao

Studio Narrated Audiobook

This audiobook is a traditionally narrated work produced in a studio with a live voice actor and contains no content generated using Voice Replica technologies or synthetic narration.

"Narrated in Mandarin/Chinese Simplified" My mixed reading on miscellaneous or leisure books helps me to write, express, and better think, but read Confucius to pass exam and get royal position is just useless. What did I read, what fairy tales I like most, what is in my brain, and what shall we do now...Fool's mumble. 我的杂览,读的是小说、闲书,不是考取举子功名的经书,能读写汉字文章不是从读经得来的。读过哪些杂书,翻译过什么国外的文章,最喜欢希腊的神话,很美,不似其他国家神话多厉鬼门神那么吓人丑陋;东瀛的浮世绘,幽默滑稽作家;什么文字著作算是好的?“疾虚妄,重情理”,即不说假话、疯话,注重人之常情,莫要吃肉喝酒后发烧、刻意表演极端热爱或仇恨,观众都走了。我的思想是什么,儒家为主,... 为辅,佛经也看,神话、抄录也读。我最认为当前应该做什么:第一,自然现象无须伦理化,... ...这是我愚人的自白。


# Title Duration
1. Open credits

0 mins 15 secs

2. 1 My mixed reading non-legitimate non-serious

3 mins 02 secs

3. 2 Lucky not a good pupil

6 mins 06 secs

4. 3 Reading Confucius is just useless

7 mins 03 secs

5. 4 Books rely on personal temper

6 mins 13 secs

6. 5 How I learned foreign language

4 mins 57 secs

7. 6 Translate Greek fairy tales

5 mins 27 secs

8. 7 Error in myth and fairy tales

5 mins 52 secs

9. 8 Customs of civilization are residue of savages

5 mins 39 secs

10. 9 Human and birds beasts grasses and trees

4 mins 21 secs

11. 10 Minors of savages

4 mins 39 secs

12. 11 Spirits fight naked

4 mins 54 secs

13. 12 Notes from Alice books 2

5 mins 15 secs

14. 13 Respects to doctors and first peasant

5 mins 47 secs

15. 15 Float painting of DeChuan era

3 mins 06 secs

16. 16 The Japanese writer

4 mins 25 secs

17. 19 Beautiful Buddha verses 2

8 mins 48 secs

18. 20 Conclusion Fools mumble

7 mins 01 secs

19. closing credits

0 mins 10 secs

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