Desert Air by Robert Hichens is a book that explores the idea of how a change in climate can impact a person's nature. The story revolves around a man named Henry Marnier who experiences a significant change in personality after visiting the remote city of Beni-Kouidar in the Sahara Desert. The book delves into the concept of how different environments can have a profound effect on individuals, and the potential dangers that can arise from such changes. Through vivid descriptions of the desert setting and the characters' experiences, Hichens paints a compelling picture of the transformative po...
Desert Air by Robert Hichens is a book that explores the idea of how a change in climate can impact a person's nature. The story revolves around a man named Henry Marnier who experiences a significant change in personality after visiting the remote city of Beni-Kouidar in the Sahara Desert. The book delves into the concept of how different environments can have a profound effect on individuals, and the potential dangers that can arise from such changes. Through vivid descriptions of the desert setting and the characters' experiences, Hichens paints a compelling picture of the transformative power of climate.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 49 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
9 mins 13 secs |
2. | Chapter 2 |
8 mins 49 secs |
3. | Chapter 3 |
8 mins 46 secs |