Day of the Comet by Ivar Jorgensen is a science fiction novel set in a world where the earth is about to be destroyed by a comet. The story follows Frank and Dee Allison, a couple in the midst of a bitter quarrel, as they come to terms with the impending doom. As they try to comprehend the news, they realize that their petty squabbles no longer matter in the face of the imminent destruction. The book explores themes of mortality, regret, and the importance of human connection. Set in a time period similar to the 1950s, the story takes place in various locations as people around the world grapp...
Day of the Comet by Ivar Jorgensen is a science fiction novel set in a world where the earth is about to be destroyed by a comet. The story follows Frank and Dee Allison, a couple in the midst of a bitter quarrel, as they come to terms with the impending doom. As they try to comprehend the news, they realize that their petty squabbles no longer matter in the face of the imminent destruction. The book explores themes of mortality, regret, and the importance of human connection. Set in a time period similar to the 1950s, the story takes place in various locations as people around the world grapple with the news of the comet. The primary genre of the book is science fiction, with elements of drama and romance. Other genres that can be found in the book include fantasy and dystopian fiction.
# | Title | Duration |
0. | Opening |
0 mins 55 secs |
1. | Chapter 1 |
11 mins 35 secs |