Who wrote The Gilgamesh Project?
The Gilgamesh Project was written by John Francis Kinsella.
Who published The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella?
The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella was published by Banksterbooks in 2021.
How long is The Gilgamesh Project on audiobook?
The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella on audiobook is 2 hours and 15 minutes in length.
What genre is The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella?
The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella has a primary genre of Fiction . It can also be categorised in the genre of Genetic Engineering.
Who narrated The Gilgamesh Project on audiobook?
The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella on audiobook is narrated by John Francis Kinsella.
What is the ISBN number for The Gilgamesh Project on audiobook?
The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9781662171215.
How many chapters are in The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella?
The Gilgamesh Project by John Francis Kinsella has 16 chapters.