FAQs about The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17)

FAQs about The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17)

FAQs about The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17)

Who wrote The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17)?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) was written by Pavel P Bazhov.

Who published The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov was published by Author's Republic in 2022.

How long is The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) on audiobook?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov on audiobook is 1 hours and 27 minutes in length.

What genre is The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov has a primary genre of Fiction . It can also be categorised in the genre of Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends and Mythology.

Who narrated The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) on audiobook?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov on audiobook is narrated by Fred Wolinsky.

What is the ISBN number for The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) on audiobook?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9798823426152.

How many chapters are in The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov?

The Copper Mountain Double Feature (Moonlit Tales of the Macabre - Small Bites Book 17) by Pavel P Bazhov has 4 chapters.