Who wrote Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son was written by Paul Alan Ruben.
Who published Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben was published by Alison Larkin Presents in 2018.
How long is Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son on audiobook?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben on audiobook is 9 hours and 19 minutes in length.
What genre is Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben has a primary genre of Fiction . It can also be categorised in the genre of Short Stories (single author).
Who narrated Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son on audiobook?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben on audiobook is narrated by and Adam Grupper.
What is the ISBN number for Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son on audiobook?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9781982710743.
How many chapters are in Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben?
Terms of Engagement: Stories of the Father and Son by Paul Alan Ruben has 12 chapters.