FAQs about For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories

FAQs about For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories

FAQs about For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories

Who wrote For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories was written by John Sheirer.

Who published For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer was published by Meat For Tea Press in 2023.

How long is For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories on audiobook?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer on audiobook is 1 hours and 50 minutes in length.

What genre is For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer has a primary genre of Fiction . It can also be categorised in the genre of Short Stories (single author).

Who narrated For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories on audiobook?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer on audiobook is narrated by Amanda Elgie.

What is the ISBN number for For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories on audiobook?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9798823489669.

How many chapters are in For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer?

For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories by John Sheirer has 5 chapters.