Who wrote De la Ira?
De la Ira was written by Séneca.
Who published De la Ira by Séneca?
De la Ira by Séneca was published by Author's Republic in 2023.
How long is De la Ira on audiobook?
De la Ira by Séneca on audiobook is 3 hours and 39 minutes in length.
What genre is De la Ira by Séneca?
De la Ira by Séneca has a primary genre of SELF-HELP.
Who narrated De la Ira on audiobook?
De la Ira by Séneca on audiobook is narrated by Remigia de la Rosa.
What is the ISBN number for De la Ira on audiobook?
De la Ira by Séneca on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9798823494311.
How many chapters are in De la Ira by Séneca?
De la Ira by Séneca has 5 chapters.