Who wrote Cate and the Garden Bandits?
Cate and the Garden Bandits was written by Betsy Coffeen.
Who published Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen?
Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen was published by Story Monsters Press, an imprint of Story Monsters LLC in 2023.
How long is Cate and the Garden Bandits on audiobook?
Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen on audiobook is 9 minutes and 58 seconds in length.
What genre is Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen?
Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen has a primary genre of EDUCATION.
Who narrated Cate and the Garden Bandits on audiobook?
Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen on audiobook is narrated by Emma Andreasen Moore.
What is the ISBN number for Cate and the Garden Bandits on audiobook?
Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9781589853263.
How many chapters are in Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen?
Cate and the Garden Bandits by Betsy Coffeen has 3 chapters.