FAQs about Battlefield Earth (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller

FAQs about Battlefield Earth (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller

FAQs about Battlefield Earth (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller

Who wrote Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller was written by L. Ron Hubbard.

Who published Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard was published by Galaxy Press in 2019.

How long is Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller on audiobook?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard on audiobook is 12 hours and 53 minutes in length.

What genre is Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard has a primary genre of Fiction . It can also be categorised in the genre of Action and Adventure.

Who narrated Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller on audiobook?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard on audiobook is narrated by Roddy McDowall.

What is the ISBN number for Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller on audiobook?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9781592121403.

How many chapters are in Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard?

Battlefield Earth Audiobook (Abridged): Science Fiction New York Times Best Seller by L. Ron Hubbard has 571 chapters.