Who wrote Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller was written by Morgan Rice.
Who published Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice was published by Morgan Rice in 2018.
How long is Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller on audiobook?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice on audiobook is 5 hours and 31 minutes in length.
What genre is Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice has a primary genre of YOUNG ADULT Fiction . It can also be categorised in the genre of Alien Contact.
Who narrated Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller on audiobook?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice on audiobook is narrated by Wayne Farrell.
What is the ISBN number for Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller on audiobook?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9781640294424.
How many chapters are in Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice?
Arrival (The Invasion Chronicles—Book Two): A Science Fiction Thriller by Morgan Rice has 24 chapters.