Who wrote 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition)?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) was written by Tony R. Smith.
Who published 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith was published by Author's Republic in 2020.
How long is 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) on audiobook?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith on audiobook is 53 minutes and 24 seconds in length.
What genre is 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith has a primary genre of SELF-HELP . It can also be categorised in the genre of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Who narrated 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) on audiobook?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith on audiobook is narrated by Ricky Wright/Jason Hill.
What is the ISBN number for 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) on audiobook?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith on audiobook has the ISBN number of 9781662106095.
How many chapters are in 20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith?
20 Motivational Techniques: Positive Thinking (Special edition) by Tony R. Smith has 4 chapters.