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Trailblazer BODY, MIND and SPIRIT Audiobooks to Discover in April 2024

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Trailblazer BODY, MIND and SPIRIT Audiobooks to Discover in April 2024

Kickstart your April 2024 with our curated list of BODY, MIND and SPIRIT audiobooks.

Declutter by Joshua Ballard

If you're considering for motivation to start and want to learn how to declutter your mind with practical techniques, then the book you've been waiting for is Declutter Your Mind: Life Changing Ways to Remove Mental Clutter, Alleviate Anxiety, and Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts Using Easy Decluttering Methods for Clarity, Concentrate, and Peace.
When the mind gets cluttered, it is so much more difficult to think objectively about concentrating on any given task at hand. You might find yourself focused on one thing but there's something else on your mind. This is common for people who have too much on their plate, and it can be counterproductive if you're trying to focus on being productive at work, but your mind won't allow you to focus on a specific task or project you need to do.
You may note, as a parent or a busy career-minded adult, that your life feels like a whirlwind of go, go, go. There are moments when your mind is so exhausted by all the specifics of what you need to do for the day, that you find it difficult to shut down at night. This can lead to endless hours of tossing and turning and no real sleep at night. That's when insomnia sets in — and because of lack of sleep and energy, you start wandering around cranky and in a daze. If that sounds to you all too familiar, then I know exactly how you feel.
But the solution is clear, and it begins with the basic concept of decluttering.
This book has so much material aimed at you as the best person you can be every day without the noise and frustration.
Read everything and discover:
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La sanación a través del sonido para principiantes by Ascending Vibrations

¿Siempre has querido saber cómo ayudar a tu cuerpo, mente y espíritu con el sonido, pero todo sonaba muy complicado? Sigue leyendo.
¿Normalmente te ves bombardeado por sentimientos de culpa, estrés o ansiedad y estás expuesto a ambientes ruidosos y contaminados? Estas frecuencias desarmónicas desajustan nuestros sistemas y podemos empezar a sufrir enfermedades en la mente y el cuerpo. ¿Quieres despedirte de toda la información abrumadora que hay sobre la sanación con sonido y descubrir lo que realmente funciona para ti?
Esta es sólo una pequeña fracción de lo que descubrirás:
La contaminación que pasa desapercibida en tu vida y que podría estar causando un daño auditivo irreparable
Los antiguos métodos sonoros para potenciar o limpiar tus cristales
La combinación del qigong y el sonido para promover un rápido bienestar
El dominio de la tonificación vocal y cómo energizar tus chakras más allá de lo imaginable
La magia de la curación a través del sonido que está dentro de ti y cómo acceder a ella
Cómo entender fácilmente y favorecer los canales de energía de tu cuerpo
Secretos curativos que no conocías sobre los cuencos cantores
Cómo aprovechar fácilmente el canto de armónicos en casa
Magníficos guiones de meditación con sonido hechos para ti, para maximizar la relajación y la liberación de traumas
Lo que nadie te ha dicho sobre los sonidos binaurales
Las verdades científicas del ASMR
La descarga gratuita de una meditación guiada de curación energética
Y mucho más.
Tómate un segundo para imaginar cómo te sentirás una vez que seas capaz de utilizar fácilmente la magia del sonido para ayudarte a alcanzar tu máximo potencial.
Así que, si tienes un deseo ardiente de comprender la curación a través del sonido y usarla para tu beneficio, escucha ahora.
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Freedom From Habits of Body & Mind by Meg Rinaldi

It’s one skill to develop awareness of our lived experience, it’s another skill to recognize and trust that experience as a gateway to reclaiming the wise open spirit that is inherently ours.
"Freedom From Habits of Body & Mind" reveals that it is possible to compassionately meet our barriers to thinking, acting, sensing, moving and feeling and that it’s not only possible, it is a necessary life skill for developing psycho emotional resilience.
Designed as an interactive workbook, "Freedom from Habits of Body & Mind" uses short stories that offer medicine for our mind & heart, guided somatic movement sessions that reveal what informs all movement, and reflective questions meant to update the narratives we have about our lived experience.
"Freedom From Habits of Body and Mind" invites the question: “How do we come to trust that our embodied experience, just as it is, contains wisdom, dignity, and meaning?”
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Total Reset by The Goolarabooloo Family

In 1991 the author met Lulu, a widely respected Aboriginal elder and powerful maban (shaman) in the remote Kimberley region of Australia. He asked Greg to work with him and the Goolarabooloo people to write one book. Its purpose: enable people to view reality through the lens of original knowledge and apply it for the well-being of one another and our Whole Earth system. Total Reset is the result of the 32-year collaboration. Traditional Indigenous elders such as Lulu maintain that sapiens' original knowledge provides all people with a blueprint for living respectfully on Earth. Known by the First Australians as First Law (and by others as Earth Law or Natural Law), it operated from Day One to preserve the balance of all life. No ordinary blueprint, it is a cosmic pattern showing the elements of the whole system and their connectedness; a holistic model for our species. Part 1 of the three-part book considers how humanity's present predicament arose, provides an evidence-backed summation of our world's endangered state and then contrasts modern socio-economic settings with those of traditional Indigenous peoples. Interwoven through information-rich chapters are stories from the author's life illustrating how opening to the oneness reality positively impacts individuals and society. Part 2 explores sapiens' original knowledge of unified modes of living and being on Earth, pointing to commonalities of the structures, systems and ways of the many different societies of our world's oldest continuous cultures, those of the First Peoples of Australia. It is enriched by many true stories of Lulu and his people. When anyone looks at reality through the lens of original knowledge such as that shared in Total Reset, it opens boundless opportunities for innovative solutions to remove threats to the continuity of all life and drive a return to balance. Accordingly, Part 3 outlines some of many possible strategies at the global, national, regional/local and individual levels.
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Inner Joy by Luke Experience

Happiness is inner joy. This is a fundamental law that we are all governed by in one way or another.
To choose to be happy, and find inner joy in the process, is a choice that you can live with, but not an easy one. It takes effort and time, and then you have to find the things that make you happy, in whatever way, and the sooner you start, the better it will work for you.
Yearning for inner joy is the yearning for your deepest yearnings and desires. That yearning is the best answer that you could ever receive from anywhere else. The deeper your yearning for inner joy, the more important it is for you to take steps to manifest it. Your yearning for inner joy will be the same as your yearning for joy.
Yearning for inner joy means yearning for your deepest yearnings and desires. It is the yearning for your most basic yearnings and desires. If you are able to recognize this yearning, you will have more than enough power over it.
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Experience the pinnacle of BODY, MIND and SPIRIT audiobooks in April 2024. Continue your auditory journey at sounded dot com.


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