The Parent Participation Audiobook Hit Parade of April 2024
WRITTEN BY Sounded Best Of
ARTICLE TYPE Book of the Week
PUBLISHED ON 2024-04-12
MAIN NARRATION BY Martin Whiskin TrueVoice
The Parent Participation Audiobook Hit Parade of April 2024
Dive into April 2024s most celebrated audiobook for Parent Participation.
The Role of Parents in Education by Frank Dixon
Do You Want to Make Sure That Your Kids Get the Best Education They Can Possibly Get? Then there are certain things you can do as a parent to ensure that happens… Can we really trust schools to set our kids up for the ultimate life? Think about it for a moment… What are the keys to a good life? Good health, good relationships, a positive mindset, perseverance, hard work... you name them. How many of those essential life skills are actually taught in schools? Not many, if any at all. Which means that it’s in our hands as parents to make sure that our kids actually get the education they need for a long, successful, happy and healthy life... ...this book will show you exactly what you can do to give your kids the best education they could ever dream of. In The Role of Parents in Education, you’ll discover... - What to Teach Your Child That They Aren’t Taught in School - How to Effectively Raise a Well-Educated Child - The Best Parenting Involvement Activities for Participating in Your Kids’ Education - The Enormous Benefits of Raising Properly Educated Children and much more... So, do you want the best education for your kids? And do you want to help them on the way there? Then Click The “Buy Now” Button Above Today to Immediately Start Improving Your Children's Future!
Life Strategies for Teenagers by Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana
"Your teen is a child who is old enough to understand, but is still young enough to be pliable." In Life Strategies for Teens, author Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana draws on 14 years of experience working with teenagers and their parents to offer proven methods for improving family communication skills, learning positive parenting and positive discipline methods and strategies for dealing with teen cell phone use and social media safety. In this book, you will learn valuable teen communication tips: How to understand teens – what teenage girls and boys really mean when they talk and interpreting non-verbal communication How to recognize teen depression and proven methods for dealing with it Parenting skills for dealing with disappointment and shortcomings Positive reinforcement practices for praising successes and encouraging growth How to monitor teenage cell phone, video game and social media usage, without causing a family meltdown How to curb nonchalance and defiant behavior with positive dialog and setting a good example How to raise a responsible, moral and purpose-driven teenager that you can be proud of Your children’s teenage years are when you should let them explore their grоwing teen independence, yet gently reel them in once in a while to make behavior adjustments as needed. Think of it as parental 'product testing'. That means a lot of trial-and-error blanketed in love, before you proudly and confidently release your masterpiece into the world market! Page Up and Order Now.
Las Habilidades Sociales en la Vida, son las actitudes, conductas y destrezas que permiten una mejor convivencia con otros seres y forman parte del comportamiento social, el ser asertivos, mantener empatía, autocontrol emocional, resolución pacífica de los conflictos, nos ayudan a vivir en armonía. Cuando desarrollamos las habilidades sociales en la vida, tenemos respeto por nosotros y para los demás, mejora el autoestima,somos conscientes de nuestros sentimientos, manejamos la motivación para resolver problemas interpersonales y contribuimos en la felicidad. Incluyen una serie de aprendizajes motores, contacto visual, lenguaje corporal, aprendizaje cognitivo y expresión de nuestras emociones.
Raise Future Leaders - 3 Simple Steps to Transformational Parenting by Jules Hare
How much do you really believe in your child’s potential? What are you willing to do NOW to help them awaken that potential and become future leaders? Parents need to BE great leaders to raise great leaders. As parents, our own discomfort, judgements and fears can get in the way of our children’s growth. In three simple steps, ‘Raising Future Leaders’ teaches you how to focus your attention to notice these old programs and reactive patterns BEFORE they negatively impact your relationship with your kids. The potential to build strong, deep, and long lasting connections with your kids AND yourself is at your fingertips. This invaluable guide will transform the way you connect to your child, giving them and you the opportunity to uncover powerful inner resources only discovered within trusted relationships. As a parent you are THE #1 influencer in your child’s life. You are already the leader, but in order for your child to believe in and trust their potential, they need to know it’s possible first. Your child is watching you, and where you direct your attention matters. In this book I’ve strived to deliver this message in the most basic, simple, and visually clear way I knew how. Over 20 years of experience working with kids and parents as a Cranial Sacral therapist (and parent myself) have fortified the importance of this valuable message. I hope through sharing my stories and pictures that you see the importance of embodying your own potential as a parent AND more importantly as a valuable influencer for everyone that may be watching and looking up to you.
SONNO E NEONATI: i consigli degli esperti per far dormire serenamente genitori e bambini by Maria Grazia Maldarizzi
Questa guida completa fornisce preziosi consigli e suggerimenti per il sonno dei neonati e dei bambini, offerti dagli esperti dell'infanzia di Parentube. Con sedici capitoli coinvolgenti, esploreremo argomenti come la routine del sonno, il sonno sicuro del neonato, il co-sleeping, l'ansia e gli attacchi di panico nei bambini, i falsi miti sul sonno infantile e molto altro ancora. Gli autori, tra cui Sara Righetti, Vittorio Vezzetti, Costanza Fogazzaro e altri esperti, condivideranno conoscenze approfondite per aiutare genitori e neo-genitori a creare un ambiente favorevole al sonno e promuovere una nanna serena. Con Parentube, avrai accesso a video degli esperti dell'infanzia, articoli di blog informativi e la possibilità di consulenze personalizzate. Siamo qui per offrire supporto e risorse pratiche per affrontare le sfide legate al sonno dei neonati e dei bambini. Abbiamo pensato a te, genitore che desideri garantire un riposo rigenerante per tutta la famiglia. I nostri capitoli coprono temi chiave come il sonno sicuro del neonato, i consigli per far dormire i bambini, la gestione dell'ansia e degli attacchi di panico, l'intimità nella coppia e il suo impatto sul sonno del neonato, oltre alla scelta di un consulente del sonno. Siamo qui per accompagnarti in questo viaggio, fornendo consigli affidabili e basati sull'esperienza degli esperti. Preparati ad immergerti nell'audiolibro "Sonno e neonati: i consigli degli esperti per far dormire serenamente genitori e bambini" di Parentube. Otterrai strumenti pratici e informazioni approfondite per creare un ambiente di tranquillità e riposo per la tua famiglia. Genitori, neo-genitori, sonno dei neonati, sonno dei bambini, routine del sonno, sonno sicuro, co-sleeping, ansia nei bambini, attacchi di panico, falsi miti sul sonno, consulente del sonno, intimità nella coppia, supporto genitoriale sono solo alcuni degli argomenti che tratteremo.