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The Golden List of Childrens NONFiction Audiobooks April 2024

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The Golden List of Childrens NONFiction Audiobooks April 2024

A sneak peek into Childrens NONFiction audiobooks making waves this April 2024.

Genius, Times Four by Jim Weiss

Students will learn the stories behind the science of famous figures Marie Curie, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein, whose work won wars, changed history, and opened up new worlds of learning, as well as the lesser-known pioneer biochemist Gertrude Elion, whose medical breakthroughs saved thousands of lives.
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El Arte de la Guerra by Sun Tzu

El libro "El Arte de la Guerra" escrito por Sun Tzu es un tratado militar antiguo que ha sido ampliamente estudiado y aplicado no solo en el ámbito militar, sino también en el empresarial y político. En esta obra, Sun Tzu presenta una serie de estrategias y tácticas para la guerra, basadas en la observación y el conocimiento profundo del enemigo, el terreno y las condiciones del campo de batalla.
El libro está dividido en trece capítulos, cada uno de los cuales se centra en un aspecto específico de la guerra, como el terreno, los tipos de terreno, la planificación estratégica, la disposición de las tropas, el liderazgo, la inteligencia y la táctica. Desde la perspectiva de Sun Tzu, la victoria no se logra a través de la fuerza bruta, sino mediante el uso astuto de la estrategia y la táctica.
Una de las ideas clave del libro es la importancia del conocimiento del enemigo. Sun Tzu enfatiza la necesidad de conocer al enemigo en profundidad, sus fortalezas y debilidades, y utilizar esta información para diseñar una estrategia ganadora. También destaca la importancia de la flexibilidad y la adaptación en la guerra, y cómo las condiciones cambiantes del campo de batalla pueden requerir cambios rápidos en la estrategia y la táctica.
Además, Sun Tzu habla sobre la importancia del liderazgo y la disciplina. Según él, un líder debe ser un modelo a seguir para sus tropas, inspirándolas con su liderazgo y disciplina, y manteniéndolas en línea mediante el uso de castigos y recompensas.
En resumen, "El Arte de la Guerra" es una obra clásica que ha sido estudiada y aplicada por líderes militares, empresariales y políticos durante siglos. Su énfasis en la estrategia, la táctica y la comprensión del enemigo lo hacen relevante incluso en el mundo moderno.
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Why Wait? Your Time Is Now! by Reagan B. Nevels

Teenagers... what's keeping you from greatness? Is it your age, your inexperience, your insecurities, or your past?
With the pressures of life, it is easy to feel discouraged and lose sight of your goals and dreams. Don't lose hope. There is a simple solution, developed for teens by a teen.
In Why Wait? Your Time Is Now!, young author and motivational speaker, Reagan B. Nevels, provides shortcuts to develop accountability skills, build self-esteem, and boost confidence to rise above mediocrity.
You will discover:
- a four-step process to achieve goals
- a template to help stay focused
- affirmations to promote positive thinking
This book is free from "adult-speak" and is perfect for teens who have big dreams.
About the Author:
Reagan B. Nevels is a 14-year-old inspirational influencer on a mission to help others accomplish their dreams. She is a motivational speaker who, at the age of 12, authored her first book, Vision Collision, Think. Write. Believe. Achieve. Reagan is an entrepreneur, a youth leader, and a Sunday school teacher. She speaks at school assemblies, graduations, children's events, conferences, and to youth organizations throughout the United States.
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Men of Iron by Jim Weiss

Experience the thrilling adventures of a young man seeking justice for himself and his family in fifteenth-century England. With his father unfairly outlawed by the king, Myles Falworth faces enormous odds before he can become a knight and champion his family's cause against powerful foes. With the help of loyal friends, Myles demonstrates courage and persistence as he confronts his opponents one by one, winning self-understanding and love along the way. Jim Weiss reads Howard Pyle's classic novel. With his father unfairly outlawed by King Henry IV, Myles Falworth faces enormous odds before he can become a knight and champion his family's cause against powerful foes. With the help of loyal friends, Myles demonstrates courage and persistence as he confronts his opponents one by one, winning self-understanding and love along the way. In addition to being a classic adventure, MEN OF IRON offers fascinating details of castle life and of the long road to knighthood. This book is sure to become a favorite of any reader who loves adventure, and will turn anyone new to the medieval era into a lifelong devotee.
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Masters of the Renaissance by Jim Weiss

In true stories as vivid as the colors in which they painted, Jim Weiss brings to life Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Donatello, and other captivating characters. You will meet great artists and inventors who define the term "Renaissance man." You will watch fierce Pope Julius II drive out invaders while supervising the painting of the Sistine Chapel, and dine in the palace of Lorenzo de Medici, swordsman, statesman and patron of the arts, as he faces treachery and turns war to peace. In this recording, Jim Weiss introduces young listeners to great artists, and to the riches and high aspirations of the Renaissance.
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Unlock the secrets of Childrens NONFiction through the leading audiobooks of April 2024. More awaits at sounded dot com.


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