This May 2024, immerse yourself in the compelling world of Metaphysics through audiobooks.
Stories of Parallel Dimensions by Martin K. Ettington
I’ve written a lot of books about the paranormal, spiritual, time travel and weird phenomena. My interest is in writing about what is the truth regarding these things which people report and I am not influenced by conventional beliefs. What I look for is the number of stories on a particular subject and are these stories consistent. As an engineer and having studied a lot of physics I know that conventional science has theorized about parallel dimensions but has not any evidence or theories of persons moving between dimensions. In this book my focus is on reviewing reputable stories to see if there is a pattern in what people report to see if interdimensional travel has really happened to them. I’ve studied a lot of strange subjects and more often than not there are basic truths in the things people report. Many of the stories in this book come from the Reddit Sub Reddit on Parallel Dimensions. I’ve selected those stories which seems like the best examples of parallel dimension activities.
Six Short Papers on Causality by John-Michael Kuczynski
These essays concern the different kinds of causation and their respective explanatory functions. Each of the following topics is discussed, in a clear and precise manner: *The relationship between causation and prediction *The relationship between causation and explanation *The relationship between prediction and explanation *The nature of counterfactual truth *The relationship between counterfactual conditionals and the corresponding past-tense indicatives *The relationship between counterfactual conditionals and the corresponding future-tense indicatives *Program causality and its explanatory virtues *The different kinds of causes involved in the development of mental illness. *Singular causation *The nature of causal laws These topics are analyzed clearly, incisively and originally, by the world authority on the topic of causation. This book is a fascinating adventure, to be cherished and listened to over and over.
Die Kausalität in der Natur und andere Vorträge by Max Planck
Der Nobelpreisträger Max Planck (1858 bis 1946) war nicht nur einer der bedeutendsten Physiker, sondern auch ein Philosoph, der unablässig nach Antworten auf grundlegende, weit über die Physik hinausgehende philosophische Fragen gesucht hat. In zahlreichen Vorträgen, gern dabei Goethe zitierend, hat er die Ergebnisse seines Nachdenkens über den Glauben, die Wissenschaft und die Willensfreiheit einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Dieses Hörbuch vereint, neu eingesprochen - in einer jeweils ungekürzten Fassung - einige der wichtigsten Vorträge Max Plancks: "Die Kausalität in der Natur" (1932), "Religion und Naturwissenschaft" (1937), "Vom Relativen zum Absoluten" (1924), "Wissenschaft und Glaube" (1930), "Vom Wesen der Willensfreiheit" (1936), "Determinismus oder Indeterminismus" (1937), "Scheinprobleme der Wissenschaft" (1946) und "Sinn und Grenzen der exakten Wissenschaft" (1946).