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Hinduism Audiobooks The Critics Top Picks for May 2024

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Hinduism Audiobooks The Critics Top Picks for May 2024

The audiobooks that top our list in Hinduism for May 2024 is here.

Living In The Material World What Is A Guru & Why You Need One by Jagannatha Dasa

Noted internationally known Self-help advocate and teacher of devotional yoga Prana Govinda Das was born in Liverpool, England in 1968 admittedly a pretty good year for all things bright and beautiful. He says, "From as early as I can remember I had a unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and a desire to understand the true nature of man and this world we live in. I was also always seeking out people who could answer all the questions I had about life, the universe and everything."
After studying film production in the early nineties Prana was able to fulfill his lifelong desire to travel to India. admittedly his first trip changed his life completely and forever. "At that point," He recalls, "my thirst for material knowledge turned to desire to understand the spiritual side of life. For the next six years I returned frequently to, where I studied many different paths of Hinduism, Buddhism and other forms of yoga and meditation. However, even after learning and experiencing so much I was still left incomplete."
in 2001 during the young man's sixth trip to India, he travelled to Vrindavan, a holy town associated with Lord Krishna south of Delhi. It was there he met his spiritual guide, and mentor Srila Bhaktivedanta Naryana Goswami. Some twenty years on, Prana has been resident in his teacher's temples all over the world, particularly India, Australia, America, and Europe.
Welcome then to the inspirational, engrossing, all-inclusive teachings of Prana Govinda Das.
Produced by Macc Kay
Production executive Avalon Giuliano
ICON Intern Eden Giuliano
Music By AudioNautix With Their Kind Permission
©2021 Eden Garret Giuliano (P) Eden Garret Giuliano
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Living In The Material World The Vedic Trinity Vishnu Brahma & Shiva by Jagannatha Dasa

Noted internationally known Self-help advocate and teacher of devotional yoga Prana Govinda Das was born in Liverpool, England in 1968 admittedly a pretty good year for all things bright and beautiful. He says, "From as early as I can remember I had a unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and a desire to understand the true nature of man and this world we live in. I was also always seeking out people who could answer all the questions I had about life, the universe and everything."
After studying film production in the early nineties Prana was able to fulfill his lifelong desire to travel to India. admittedly his first trip changed his life completely and forever. "At that point," He recalls, "my thirst for material knowledge turned to desire to understand the spiritual side of life. For the next six years I returned frequently to, where I studied many different paths of Hinduism, Buddhism and other forms of yoga and meditation. However, even after learning and experiencing so much I was still left incomplete."
in 2001 during the young man's sixth trip to India, he travelled to Vrindavan, a holy town associated with Lord Krishna south of Delhi. It was there he met his spiritual guide, and mentor Srila Bhaktivedanta Naryana Goswami. Some twenty years on, Prana has been resident in his teacher's temples all over the world, particularly India, Australia, America, and Europe.
Welcome then to the inspirational, engrossing, all-inclusive teachings of Prana Govinda Das.
Produced by Macc Kay
Production executive Avalon Giuliano
ICON Intern Eden Giuliano
Music By AudioNautix With Their Kind Permission
©2021 Eden Garret Giuliano (P) Eden Garret Giuliano
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Divinity Of Queen Kunti Heroine Of The Vedas / Histories Greatest Yogini - Women Of Wisdom by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

The Perfect Queen - The Perfected Yogini
The Path To Perfection From A Woman's Eyes
Queen Kunti, a tragic and heroic figure, emerges from an explosive era in the history of ancient India. Her teachings are simple and illuminating outpourings revealing the deepest transcendental emotions of the heart and the deepest philosophical and theological penetrations of the intellect.
Kunti is a major figure in the history of the ancient world. The wife of world emperor Pandu and mother of the warrior Arjuna—to whom Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita—she appears again and again in historical epics such as the Mahabharata and Srimad-Bhagavatam. Like other enlightened leaders of her time, her worldview was informed by a thorough understanding of Vedic wisdom literature. Thus she understood that Krishna—Who happened to be her nephew—was none other than the Absolute Truth in person, appearing on earth to establish righteous rule over the planet.
At the conclusion of the devastating battle of Kurukshetra, Queen Kunti approaches Krishna as He prepares to depart for his home city of Dwaraka. Kunti's spontaneous glorification of Krishna and her description of the spiritual path appear in the First Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srila Prabhupada wrote his translation and commentary on the First Canto in 1962—before coming to the West—but in a series of lectures given in the spring of 1973 in Los Angeles, he analyzed Queen Kunti's prayers in significantly greater detail and shed even more light upon them.
If truth be told from the dawn of creation it has been the female energy which from all life springs, is sustained, and propels us on in our timeless evolutionary journey to self. The powerful positive Shakti of the feminine energy invigorates, inspires, and enhances the finer propensities of life and reveals the subtle secrets of existence via its indivisible healing continence.
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Living In The Material World The Yogic Cosmology Of Time by Jagannatha Dasa

Noted internationally known Self-help advocate and teacher of devotional yoga Prana Govinda Das was born in Liverpool, England in 1968 admittedly a pretty good year for all things bright and beautiful. He says, "From as early as I can remember I had a unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and a desire to understand the true nature of man and this world we live in. I was also always seeking out people who could answer all the questions I had about life, the universe and everything."
After studying film production in the early nineties Prana was able to fulfill his lifelong desire to travel to India. admittedly his first trip changed his life completely and forever. "At that point," He recalls, "my thirst for material knowledge turned to desire to understand the spiritual side of life. For the next six years I returned frequently to, where I studied many different paths of Hinduism, Buddhism and other forms of yoga and meditation. However, even after learning and experiencing so much I was still left incomplete."
in 2001 during the young man's sixth trip to India, he travelled to Vrindavan, a holy town associated with Lord Krishna south of Delhi. It was there he met his spiritual guide, and mentor Srila Bhaktivedanta Naryana Goswami. Some twenty years on, Prana has been resident in his teacher's temples all over the world, particularly India, Australia, America, and Europe.
Welcome then to the inspirational, engrossing, all-inclusive teachings of Prana Govinda Das.
Produced by Macc Kay
Production executive Avalon Giuliano
ICON Intern Eden Giuliano
Music By AudioNautix With Their Kind Permission
©2021 Eden Garret Giuliano (P) Eden Garret Giuliano
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Maharaji A Life Of Miracles by Sripad Jagannatha Das

Neem Karoli Baba known to his followers as Maharaj-ji - was a great Hindu guru, mystic, and devotee of Lord Hanuman. He is very well known outside India for being the spiritual master of a number of prominent Americans who traveled to India in the 1960s and 70s, including spiritual teachers Ram Dass, and Bhagavan Das, and musicians Krishna Das and Jai Uttal. His ashrams are in India, and in Taos, New Mexico. Maharaji was a lifelong adept of bhakti-yoga and encouraged service to others (seva) as the highest form of unconditional devotion to God.
There can be no biography of him. Facts are few, stories many. He seems to have been known by different names in many parts of India, appearing and disappearing through the years. His non-Indian devotees of recent years knew him as Neem Karoli Baba, but mostly as “Maharajji” – a nickname so commonplace in India that one can often hear a tea vendor addressed thus. Just as he said, he was "nobody". He gave no discourses; the briefest, simplest stories were his teachings. Usually, he sat or lay on a wooden bench wrapped in a plaid blanket while a few devotees sat around him. Visitors came and went; they were given food, a few words, a nod, a pat on the head or back, and they were sent away. There was gossip and laughter for he loved to joke. Orders for running the ashram were given, usually in a piercing yell across the compound. Sometimes he sat in silence, absorbed in another world to which we could not follow, but bliss and peace poured down on us. Who he was was no more than the experience of him. Here are his sublime life and teachings.
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