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Groundbreaking People with Disabilities Audiobooks for May 2024 Enthusiasts

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Groundbreaking People with Disabilities Audiobooks for May 2024 Enthusiasts

Explore the top audiobooks in People with Disabilities for May 2024.

Jag Upphäver Gravitationen : En självbiografi om att leva med autism, asperger och ADHD (Del 1) by Marius Alexander Forselius

"Jag Upphäver Gravitationen" är en stark utlämnande självbiografi från en ung person med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning. Hen föddes i Rumänien 1991, bara några få år efter att den rumänska kommunistregimen föll 1989. I nästan fyra år bodde hen på ett sunkigt barnhem i Rumänien, fram tills 1994 då hen adopterades av sina svenska adoptivföräldrar till Sverige. Alexander fungerade bra under sina första år, men när kraven ökade på honom när hen började på dagis, så visade sig symtomen på hens funktionsnedsättning allt mer tydligt och vid fem års ålder fick hen sin första neuropsykiatriska diagnos, autism. I boken berättar hen om sin barndom fram till idag, och hur samhällets krav på att vara en pjäs i det sociala skådespelet, och att tvingas engagera sig i sådana saker hen inte är motiverad till, får sina "frekvenser" att blir oroliga och att hen då drog på sig fler psykiska problem när skolan ställde allt högre press på hen. Genom tiderna har hen levt i datorns värld, på flykt från det sociala samhället för att "upphäva samhällets gravitationsfält" och att simning var ett av hens bästa sätt att kanalisera sina "frekvenser" fram tills hen plötsligt blev sjuk, och tvingades sluta med det, och i den djupa kris som då följde upptäckte hen möjligheten att frigöra sina energier via meditation, och plötsligt blev vän med sin inre person, "Alecca", som också är hens "flickvän", eftersom hen har svårt att hitta någon att vara med och därför då vill vara sin egen flickvän, för att på sätt hitta inre styrka och kärlek till sig själv för att kunna klara de utmaningar och krav som samhället ställer på hen. Ur ett spirituellt och tekniskt perspektiv berättar hen också om sin upplevelse av ADHD, autism och OCD, med datatekniken som metafor, att hen är som ett datasystem av annan typ som "söker hela trädstrukturen".
Denna ljudbok innehåller den första delen av berättelsen och fler publiceras allteftersom de produceras.
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Curses Of Verses by M. Renae Dubois

M. Renae Dubois' first novel was written in the months and years following a Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI/ABI), as a result of a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) at age 16. The author has used a conversational style of poetry, rhyming and rhythmic, and it is similar in subject to how M. Renae Dubois speaks of her experience:- with candor and a little irreverent. As a result of the symptoms of this event and the areas of the brain affected, the author found herself an easy target for lecherous men, and friendships with unscrupulous individuals. Being naturally philosophical, reasonably intelligent and brought up in a very right wing Christian culture, this piece shows some of the thought processes and lifestyle/career choices that accompanied the protagonist/author in these early years. Unmedicated. Undiagnosed. Untreated. Undone.
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A Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the Power of Art and Attitude by Lisa A. Sniderman

An inspirational story of the healing power of creativity and finding your true purpose, and a light in the darkness to anyone struggling with chronic illness or life challenges. In 2008, singer-songwriter Lisa Sniderman was living the dream in California. As Aoede, the Muse of Song, her star as a gifted recording artist was rising fast. Lisa’s quirky folk-pop performance style electrified audiences up and down the West Coast, and the albums just kept flowing. But just when her career was rocketing skyward, a health crisis brought all of her dreams crashing to the ground. Diagnosed with a rare, debilitating immune disorder called dermatomyositis (DM), Lisa struggled to maintain a normal life with a body in revolt and, eventually, to accept a new normal. Living with a chronic illness challenged Lisa to see DM as a gift in disguise that has opened the door to new dreams, new songs, and new opportunities. Lisa’s story is for you if you seek strength, new inspiration, hope, joy, healing, and if you or someone you love struggle with a chronic illness, disability, or unexpected life events. Her insights and reflections on her journey inspire hope and the courage to keep dreaming and living to the fullest no matter what life hurls at you.
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Outrunning the Night by Scott Hollier

The life of Dr Scott Hollier is not what you’d call typical. He is well-educated, has a good job, is a husband and father, is legally blind, loves computers and gadgets, goes to church, and enjoys travel, spending time with friends and following his favourite football team. For most people, the atypical part of this description will be ‘legally blind’, but from Scott’s perspective, it’s his traitorous support of a football team outside his home state of Western Australia that makes him stand out from the crowd.
For people with disabilities, everything listed above should be typical, yet the pursuit of education, embracing the benefits of technology, and finding a good job and a partner in life can be challenging for many. While Scott can relate to that due to the degenerative eye condition that has nearly extinguished his sight, his story is not about what society should do to help him, but rather what a person with a disability can do to give back to a joyous, generous world.
Outrunning the Night is a memoir with a purpose. Its aim is to provide support to disadvantaged people – and the people supporting them. It’s not about anyone reaching the pinnacle of sporting achievement or possessing a brilliant mind. Instead, it’s a celebration of life and its possibilities. It shows that making it in this world is not about climbing Everest, but overcoming the little things to succeed in everyday life.
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Asleep at the Wheel by Jeffrey J Wood

Learn about Narcolepsy and Cataplexy and one persons struggle with it for most of their life going un diagnosed. Asleep at the Wheel is a sometimes funny and some times crazy look at the life of a person with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy. You will laugh and sometimes become surprised at some of the symptoms. The reader will learn that Narcolepsy can look like many things such as epilepsy, or ADHD, and even sometimes the patient may look drunk or otherwise seemingly inebriated. The reader will discover how narcolepsy is under diagnosed as well as over diagnosed.
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For the curious minds, the best People with Disabilities audiobooks of May 2024 are here. Expand your horizon at sounded dot com.


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