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Essential Mental Health Audiobook Collection for April 2024

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Essential Mental Health Audiobook Collection for April 2024

Our top audiobook recommendation for Mental Health during April 2024 is here.

FREE YOUR MIND: 5 Tips For Treating Anxiety: by Nathan Bolinger

Feelings of anxiety are never pleasant. What’s worse is feeling helpless and the lack of control over your mind when you are going through anxious moments. It seems to snowball and get worse and worse over time, all the while draining your self-confidence and ability to deal with stressful situations or upcoming events. This book is just a few tips either I or someone close to me have used to treat anxiety in order to live a happier life!
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Finding Your Voice by ALIO Publishing Group

Based on a work originally written by practicing psychoanalyst Dominick A. Barbara (M.D., F.A.P.A.), and revised by ALIO Publishing. This book is presented from the viewpoint of a stutterer and successful therapist (note: the author himself stuttered until the age of 30).
It begins with a brief discussion on the facts behind stuttering, the problems faced by stutterers, and the "Demosthenes complex". Finally, outlined are steps toward achieving a cure for stuttering. Techniques offered include tools for motivating oneself, developing a positive attitude, overcoming fear, and controlling the situation.
This information may prove beneficial for speech clinicians, as well as clients, however the material is easily accessible to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, with or without additional resources or treatment. We all have a voice that deserves to be heard; if you're not satisfied with your public speaking skills, or struggle to articulate your words correctly, then order this audiobook today!
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Unlimited Memory by Gerick Jones

Unlimited Memory: Learn the Most Effective Tips and Tricks on How to Improve Your Memory and Remember Names, Information and Many More!
You were not born with a poor memory. Remembering is a process that must be learned, just like walking, talking, eating, telling colors apart, distinguishing sounds, and telling time. You learned these when you were a child, and now you can perform them without effort, without being conscious of the mental processes involved. You can learn the process of using your memory just as thoroughly and when you do, you will have in your power a hundred times the knowledge and experience you actually put to use now.
In this audiobook, you will learn tips and tricks on how to enhance your memory so you won’t have problems remembering information like names, places, numbers and many more!
Topics that will be covered are the following:
- Mental Filing System that Really Works
- How to Get Your First Five Mental Hooks
- Making Your Own Mental Images
- How to Remember What You Read
- What’s in a Name…to Remember it By?
- And many more!
Anyone can do it, and it will be worth your while to develop a good memory. TO learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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Mentalidad Resiliente by Leticia Caballero

Descubre cómo superar cualquier adversidad y sacar el mayor potencial de tus habilidades.
Nadie tiene la seguridad comprada y siempre surgen situaciones que sacuden las bases de lo que considerabas estable, pero con las herramientas adecuadas podrás aprender a enfrentar cualquier dificultad por más dura o dolorosa que sea.
Es muy conocida la frase que dice “si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho”, pero la pregunta principal es ¿cómo?
¿Cómo levantarse la primera vez sin volver a caer? ¿De dónde sacar la fuerza si los golpes de la vida son continuos y pueden venir de ángulos imprevistos? ¿Cómo enfocar la energía para sobrevivir la adversidad cuando todo te empuja hacia abajo?
Si quieres convertirte en una persona resiliente ante la adversidad, focalizar tu energía con técnicas profesionales y explotar tus fortalezas más escondidas, ahora puedes hacerlo de manera fácil y rápida.
En “Mentalidad Resiliente” encontrarás:
• Un enfoque fresco y dinámico de la resiliencia explicado desde una psicología accesible y experiencias de vida.
• Todos los secretos y métodos de los expertos explicados con lenguaje simple.
• ¡Nuevas formas de canalizar la adversidad para ser una persona más fuerte!
• Los 7 grandes secretos para construir una mentalidad resiliente.
• Estrategias para encontrar una salida y forjar tu propio destino.
• ¡Y mucho más!
Tendrás todas las herramientas necesarias para superar la adversidad, explicadas con más claridad que en ningún otro lado, ejercicios de práctica, experiencias personales y mucho más.
La adversidad puede parecer algo imposible de superar, una tormenta infranqueable; pero este libro es un compañero infaltable y la brújula que te permitirá navegar incluso en las peores circunstancias.
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Memory Tips & Tricks by Will Bowman

Memory Tips & Tricks: The Quick and Easy Guide to Memory Enhancement. Discover How to Boost Your Memory and Remember Everything
Memory is a fundamental cognitive function that plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It enables us to store and retrieve information, form new connections and make sense of the world around us. However, memory is not a single entity, but rather a complex process that involves multiple regions of the brain and various cognitive mechanisms.
This audiobook delves into the science of memory, from the basics of how it works to the latest research in the field. You will learn about the different types of memory, such as short-term and long-term memory, and the various processes involved in encoding, storage, and retrieval. You will also discover the factors that can affect memory, such as aging, stress, and sleep, and how to mitigate their negative impact.
This audiobook will cover the following topics:
- Understanding Memory
- How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies
- Trusted Memory Tests used by Psychologists and Neurologists
- Foods and Vitamins to Boost Your Memory and Improve Cognition
- And many more!
If you want to learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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Unlock the secrets of Mental Health through the leading audiobooks of April 2024. More awaits at sounded dot com.


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