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Epic Parenting Audiobooks That Defined May 2024

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Epic Parenting Audiobooks That Defined May 2024

A sneak peek into Parenting audiobooks making waves this May 2024.

Exhortacion Apostolica Familiaris Consortio by Juan Pablo II

Familiaris consortio (en latín: "La comunidad de la familia", con el subtítulo [Sobre la misión de la familia cristiana en el mundo actual] , es una exhortación apostólica post-sinodal escrita por el papa San Juan Pablo II y promulgada el 22 de noviembre de 1981.Describe la posición de la Iglesia católica sobre el significado y rol del matrimonio y la familia, y destaca algunos retos a la hora de alcanzar ese ideal. Se refiere al matrimonio como: "uno de los deberes más preciosos y urgentes de las parejas cristianas de nuestro tiempo", puesto que "el matrimonio es el fundamento de la comunidad más amplia de la familia, ya que la institución misma del matrimonio y el amor conyugal están ordenados a la procreación y educación de la prole, en la que encuentran su coronación".Reafirma la oposición de la Iglesia a toda forma de control de natalidad como afirmaba previamente la encíclica Humanae vitae, y menciona la oposición de la Iglesia hacia el aborto. También habla de la responsabilidad y las expectativas de las familias a la hora de educar a sus hijos. La mayor y última parte del documento describe las expectativas sobre la familia que involucran la fe católica en la vida diaria, relacionando esta con los sacramentos católicos, particularmente el matrimonio, y animando a la oración familiar. En particular, esta sección del documento expresa la expectativa de una unión permanente y matrimonial católica para todas los miembros de la Iglesia con vocación familiar. Niega la posibilidad de aceptar alternativas, incluyendo "matrimonios de pruebas", uniones exclusivamente civiles, y las uniones no públicamente reconocidas.
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The Perfect System of Parenting by Isaac Kessler

Don’t worry — the Kesslers know that parents can’t possibly be perfect. But they do believe that imperfect parents can raise their children on the foundation of a perfect system: the laws of nature, in particular the principle of causality — that every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. The Kesslers show parents practical ways to teach their kids — from infancy to young adulthood — that negative actions cause negative results, and positive actions cause positive results, equipping them for happy and fulfilling lives at home and beyond. They also show parents how to avoid “the love ambush” — the “you don't love me anymore” line used by children — by letting their children know their role is not to receive love from them but to keep them safe.
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Grit for Kids: The Ultimate Guide on Building Confidence for Kids, Learn the Basics and Discover Different Strategies on How to Build Your Child's Confidence and Self-Esteem by L.K. Fawcett

We all want our child to feel confident about who they are and what they do and have the confidence to discover and try new things. But nowadays, children are always faced with many social pressures and opinions of others that it easily affects their confidence and self-esteem.
Confidence is very important to a child's happiness, health and future success. Confident children are better equipped to deal with peer pressure, responsibilities, frustrations and challenges and they know how to better deal with positive and negative emotions.
Parents play a very big role in building the confidence of their children. It is the job of the parents to help their child believe in themselves and develop their self-confidence. There are many ways to help build a child's confidence. This audiobook will teach you helpful information on the importance of building self-confidence and ways in which to do so. You will learn several things you can do on a daily basis that can help boost your child's self-esteem.
In this audiobook, you will learn:
- Confidence Basics
- How to Let Your Child Believe in Themselves
- How to Acknowledge Achievements and Fears
- How to Teach Your Child to Learn from Errors
- How to Learn to Accept Who Your Child Is
- How to Take an Interest in Your Child's Life and Provide Opportunities for Positive Growth
- Why It's Important to Provide Responsibilities
- The Disadvantages of Poor Self-Confidence
Confidence shapes a child's life tremendously and building your child's confidence is one of the most important gifts you can give to your child.
If you're not sure where to start and want to learn about different tips and tricks that would guide you in building your child's confidence, scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button now.
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The Overparenting Epidemic by Nina Brookhaven

The Overparenting Epidemic: All About Reasonable Advice For How to Parent Children Effectively and Lovingly
There is now a phrase for the phenomenon of parents who are so concerned about their children's future success that they would do whatever to ensure that they have a positive path ahead of them. Overparenting may begin as early as infancy, and can continue well into adulthood for their kids. All parents want the best for their children and it is understandable that parents are concerned with the well-being of their children. But there is such a term as an excess of parenting that stifles the growth of their children instead of helping them.
If you are not sure if what you are doing is overparenting with your kids, this audiobook can help guide you on reflecting on your actions. It will give you more reasonable advice on how you can better parent your children in a more effective and loving way.
This audiobook will cover the following topics:
- Overparenting
- Micromanaging Your Child
- Causes of Overparenting
- Effects of Overparenting
- Overparenting and Other Parenting Styles
- Personal Experience
- Ways to Stop Overparenting
- And many more!
If you want to learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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So sag ich's meinem Kind by Elaine Mazlish

Ein beeindruckendes, zeitloses Buch, das neue Wege einer respektvollen Kommunikation zwischen Eltern und Kindern zeigt.
Das Hörbuch hilft Eltern, mit ihren Kindern so "ins Gespräch zu kommen", dass sie sich verantwortungsvoll entwickeln und ein selbstbewusstes Leben führen.
Die Autorinnen beschreiben sachlich und verständlich, wie wir mit unseren Kindern kommunizieren sollten, damit das Miteinander einfacher wird.
Mit diesem Hörbuch:
helfen Sie Ihrem Kind, mit seinen Gefühlen umzugehen;
fördern Sie die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihrem Kind;
finden Sie Alternativen zur Bestrafung;
fördern Sie die Selbständigkeit Ihres Kindes;
helfen Sie Ihrem Kind, sich selbst zu finden.
Die Autorinnen Adele Faber und Elaine Mazlish, beide Mütter dreier Kinder, sind international anerkannte Expertinnen, wenn es um die Kommunikation zwischen Eltern und Kindern geht. Ihre vielfach ausgezeichneten Werke wurden bereits in mehr als ein Dutzend Sprachen übersetzt.
Titel der Originalausgabe: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Avon Books, New York, 1982.
©1980 / 1982 Avon Books, New York. Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Scribner, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. Körner Medien UG, MünchenDeutsche Übersetzung von Christine Steffens und Sarina Stützer. (P)2019 ABP Verlag
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