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Editors Choice Top American Audiobooks of April 2024

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Editors Choice Top American Audiobooks of April 2024

Leading the pack, Top American audiobooks to listen to in April 2024.

Sunset by Eugenia Fain

A book of modern contemporary poetry using forms from around the world.
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Devil's Lake by Sarah M. Sala

What does it mean to claim your space in a world that’s ending? Sarah M. Sala’s Devil’s Lake breaks open the American moment of unchecked gun violence, climate changes, and the growing rift between "us" and "them" with formal daring. Like a prism, this startling debut fractures into shades of possibility and memory, queering science, nature, and form to lay bare the colors of joy despite a world that seems intent on its destruction.
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Literal Life Lessons by Sandra Nelms-Ludwig

Literal Life Lessons is a collection of poems capturing the tender, hauntingly human frailties of the poet and the persons she has observed over the years. The poems draw the reader into real life, familiar experiences and into thought-provoking realizations. Nothing is spared in depicting the underbelly and vulnerabilities of humanity. Author's Bio Mother, veteran, former interpretative national park ranger, retired educator, poet and activist, Sandra Nelms-Ludwig was born and raised in rural Bedford County, Virginia, nestled beneath the Blue Ridge Mountains. She began writing poetry at age 12 and has performed in numerous poetry slams and open mics both in Germany and America. Her poetry has appeared in two chapbooks, Litspeak at Hollins University in 1994 and Mouth Music at Big Island, Virginia, in 1997. This collection is her first book of poetry to be published and is a sampling of her writing from over the past 50 years. She presently resides with her Cocker Spaniel, Sir Duke, in Virginia.
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Puzzle Pieces of Life by Davida T Washington

This is a compilation of poems pertaining to life challenges and expressions relative to human responses that are changed, tamed, and transformed by the presence of God. This is the hope that we have in this world! A relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is necessary for sucess in this life. No challenge is ever too much as long as we remain in Him.
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Leaves of Grass, The Original 1855 Edition by Walt Whitman

Leaves of Grass is a poetry collection by the American poet Walt Whitman (1819–1892).
The poems of Leaves of Grass are loosely connected, with each representing Whitman's celebration of his philosophy of life and humanity. This book is notable for its discussion of delight in sensual pleasures during a time when such candid displays were considered immoral. Where much previous poetry, especially English, relied on symbolism, allegory, and meditation on the religious and spiritual, Leaves of Grass exalted the body and the material world.
Influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Transcendentalist movement, itself an offshoot of Romanticism, Whitman's poetry praises nature and the individual human's role in it. However, much like Emerson, Whitman does not diminish the role of the mind or the spirit; rather, he elevates the human form and the human mind, deeming both worthy of poetic praise.
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