Discover the Best Business Communication Audiobooks for April 2024
WRITTEN BY Sounded Best Of
ARTICLE TYPE Book of the Week
PUBLISHED ON 2024-04-18
MAIN NARRATION BY Paul Stefano TrueVoice
Discover the Best Business Communication Audiobooks for April 2024
The April 2024 audiobook guide for Business Communication enthusiasts.
Habilidades de conversación + Comunicación en pareja 2 en 1 by Therasia Gallego
Aprende cómo lograr ser un conversador experto incluso si eres tímido o simplemente te quedas frecuentemente sin saber que decir. Las habilidades de conversación representan uno de los conjuntos de habilidades más importantes de siempre. Son claves para tener éxito en la seducción, encantar a un posible cliente, conseguir nuevos amigos, obtener un salario más alto, y la lista puede continuar. Hay una conexión directa entre sus habilidades de comunicación y su éxito en la vida. Por ello, la solución es simple: ¿Quieres ser tímido y aburrido toda tu vida o quieres convertirte en un conversador que deja una poderosa impresión a los demás? Esto incluye dos libros: - Habilidades Sociales: Conversación 2.0: Habla con cualquiera y desarrolla un carisma magnético. Descubre métodos disruptivos para mejorar tus habilidades de comunicación - Comunicación en las relaciones: Errores que cada pareja comete y cómo arreglarlos. Descubre cómo resolver cualquier conflicto con tu pareja y crear una relación más profunda Aquí hay una breve vista previa de lo que descubrirá: - Trece pasos para empezar a tener YA una personalidad atrayente. - Los siete hábitos que te hacen parecer desagradable y desconoces. - Tres consejos increíbles para lograr llevarte bien con cualquier persona que conozcas. - Tres reglas únicas para poder crear conversaciones interesantes. - Consejos primordiales para empezar una nueva relación después de otras relaciones fallidas. - Trucos proporcionados por expertos para empezar comunicaciones difíciles sin angustias, dolor o nervios. - Cómo entender mejor entender las necesidades reales de su pareja e identificar los típicos mitos. - Ejercicios impresionantes para lograr adentrarte YA en cualquier vinculo amoroso. Y mucho, mucho más ... Si deseas desbloquear estas técnicas expertas, y finalmente encender nuevas oportunidades a través del poder de la conversación, entonces debes comprar este libro hoy!
Leaders are not born, they are developed. Everyone has an opportunity to be a great leader if they’re willing to put in the practice that leadership requires. They must also be open to putting themselves out there to fail or succeed. So, ask yourself: Do I want to learn new ways to improve myself and change the way I approach challenges and opportunities? If the answer is yes, you need Lead or Get Out of the Way! Infused with lessons from his forty-year career, Gary J. Vien shares eight powerful principles of leadership along with ways to make you more effective at work and throughout your life. He’ll show you how to build relationships, take control of what you can control, be the owner of your actions, use business etiquette, observe your environment, and take advantage of what you have. Told with a mix of storytelling, anecdotes, and a dash of fun, this book is the breakout you’re looking for!
Speak Business German with confidence! - Three innovative learning modes (learning, immersion and test) - 20 topics covering all aspects of business communication - Only relevant, up-to-date vocabulary - The right mix of formal and informal language - Real Business German course designed by experienced professionals We know that while working it can be difficult to find the time and energy to learn a foreign language. That is why this course was created with busy professionals in mind. It allows you to learn effectively and effortlessly, and the effects are visible after just a few days. Our method is based on language immersion. This means that you learn a language by listening, repeating and memorizing sentence structures. Our method does not require you to learn vocabulary or cram grammar rules. You only need to listen to the recordings included in this course regularly and attentively, and after only a short time you will begin to speak the new language intuitively! Every lesson is available in three different modes: - learning mode (English ? German ? German) - learn the new meanings, - immersion mode (only German) - immerse in the language, - test mode (English ? pause ? German) - test your knowledge. This course focuses only on relevant expressions that are used in offices every day. That way, you don't waste time learning phrases you'll never have the opportunity to use in practice. Chapters: 1. Meetings & Calls 2. Business Presentations 3. Daily Operations 4. Giving Feedback 5. Managing Conflict 6. Job Interview 7. Human Resources 8. Leadership 9. Strategy & Vision 10. Companies & Markets 11. Marketing 12. Sales 13. Negotiations 14. Customer Service 15. Reporting & Data Analysis 16. Project Management 17. Computers & Technology 18. Product & Manufacturing 19. Logistics 20. Finance
How to make money from your Instagram account by A. O. Williams
How to make money from your Instagram account If you have an Instagram account or a business owner and are not making full use of social media to expand and grow your business, you are missing out on potentially billions of new clients. It doesn't matter if you're an author, a blogger, an e-bay seller, own a tee-shirt business, make tutorials of any sort, are a cook or a chef, have an Esty shop, are an artist, a poet, an affiliate marketer, a high street business or a multinational conglomerate, never forget that you are a brand. Instagram is the best social media site to develop and promote your business. In this book, I will detail a step by step guide on how to maximise your Instagram presence, develop a loyal following and more importantly, how to turn your followers into repeat customers. I will be covering everything from how to create the perfect biography, to how and when to post. From which types of posts work best to the importance of hashtags and much, much more. So, whether you're just starting out in business or already well established in the marketplace, this book will guide you on how to become successful on Instagram and maximize your business and more importantly, your profits.
Dysfunctions of a Team: Learn About Proven Team Building Practices That Can Help Fix Any Team Problems and Foster Camaraderie for Better Team Performance Big corporations spend a lot of time, money and resources on team building. And for good reason. It’s been shown to increase productivity, loyalty and help with problem solving. But when it comes to small businesses, particularly those that work with virtual teams, we tend to forget everything to be gained from team building. But it’s time to change that. It’s easy to blow this whole idea of spending time nurturing the relationships with and between your team members off as a waste of time. Spending a little bit of time being proactive in the beginning will reap all sorts of benefits for months and years to come. In this audiobook, you will learn the importance of team building for your business. You will discover the many benefits of team building and why a strong and loyal team is good for your business in the long run. This audiobook will cover the following topics: - The Importance of Team Building - The Characteristics of a Strong Team - Team Building Best Practices - And many more! If you want happier employees or independent contractors, happier customers and clients and a happier version of yourself, team building will help with all that. Scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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