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Cult Classics Developmental Audiobooks You Need in May 2024

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Cult Classics Developmental Audiobooks You Need in May 2024

Your guide to the best Developmental listens in May 2024.

Choroby psychosomatyczne. Jak zmienic emocje negatywne na pozytywne i uzdrowic cialo? by Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Mindfulness, czyli trening uwaznosci, to seria wykladów nagranych na zywo podczas lives w 2020 roku, której celem bylo niesienie pomocy osobom cierpiacym, nie zawsze dobrze zrozumianym przez lekarza z uwagi na brak widocznych odchylen w klasycznych badaniach. Ludzie ci w wyniku wielomiesiecznego "narzekania", czesto odsylani zostaja do psychiatry po leki uspakajajace, jednak to nie uzdrawia ich w pelni. Wsród tego typu przypadków znajduja sie nawet male dzieci wtedy, kiedy ani leki, ani dieta ani wizyty u psychologia nie przynosza oczekiwany rezultatów. Dlaczego?
Kiedy czujemy sie zle, sciska nas w watrobie badz w zoladku, boli nas glowa, serce, plecy, stawy, miesnie, mamy dusznosci i nie mozemy spac w nocy, mamy problem z rozstrojonym ukladem pokarmowym, a z badan lekarskich jasno wynika, iz wszystkie wyniki sa w normie. W takich przypadkach, z duzym prawdopodobienstwem mozna stwierdzic, ze cierpimy na tzw. zaburzenia psychosomatyczne.
1. Emocja, jako wazna informacja z wnetrza organizmu.
2. Utrwalanie negatywnych emocji w komórkach ciala i ich konsekwencje.
3. Przygnebiona dusza wysusza cialo.
4. Choroby psychosomatyczne prosto z umyslu do ciala.
5. Trudnosci z zajsciem w ciaze i inne dolegliwosci.
6. Jak uzyskac dobrostan?
7. Wesole serce jest najlepszym lekarzem.
8. Mindfulness - budowanie uwaznosci i inteligencja emocjonalna.
9. Rola Obserwatora, jako ochrona przed chorobami psychosomatycznymi.
10. Czy to dobrze, czy to zle?
11. Polowa sukcesu w uzdrawianiu to zdrowe odzywianie i skoncentrowane skladniki w suplementach.
12. Praca nad swoja psychika to druga polowa sukcesu skutecznego uzdrawiania.
13. Medycyna Holistyczna - uzdrawianie ciala, psychiki i ducha.
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Das Lebensspiel und wie man es spielt by Florence Scovel Shinn

Die meisten Menschen halten das Leben für einen Kampf, doch es ist kein Kampf, sondern ein Spiel. Erfolgreich spielen kann dieses Spiel nur, wer die Regeln kennt.
Florence Scovel Shinn erklärt diese Regeln mit einfachen Worten und leicht verständlich anhand von Beispielen aus ihrer täglichen Praxis.
Die Autorin wurde am 24. September 1871 in Camden, New Jersey (USA) geboren und starb am 17. Oktober 1940. Ursprünglich Künstlerin und Buchillustratorin, entwickelte sie sich zu einer bekannten spirituellen New Thought- Lehrerin und Autorin metaphysischer Schriften. Auch über siebzig Jahre nach ihrem Tod, sind ihre Ansichten und Vorstellungen heute noch aktuell und lebendig.
Im Buch Das Lebensspiel und wie es gespielt wird verrät sie Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Lebensumstände nach Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen verändern können.
Das Buch informiert über Methoden der Selbstentwicklung, die auf persönlichen Erfahrungen der Autorin beruhen.
Mit diesen Methoden werden Sie alles, was Sie sich wünschen in Ihr Leben ziehen:
Vollkommene Selbstverwirklichung.
Wenn Sie die einfachen spirituellen Regeln beachten, ist alles möglich!
Dieses Hörbuch erschien im englischen Original unter dem Titel The Game of Life and How to Play It.
©2017 Günter W. Kienitz (P)2017 ABP Verlag
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Mentalism: The Ultimate Guide to Learn The Basic Principles to Control Your Thoughts and Life by Sounded Originals

Do you want to have better control of your thoughts?
Would this help you to have more success in life and give you the happiness and contentment you seek?
This audiobook will help you achieve it!
We all want to be able to exercise control of our own lives, so that we can live to the best of our ability and have all the things we want. By being in control we stand a much better chance of success and it all starts with a set of principles that change the way we think and act.
Inside the pages of this audiobook, Mentalism: The Ultimate Guide to Learn The Basic Principles to Control Your Thoughts and Life, we examine these principles in detail as follows:
- Principle #1 All stimuli are neutral
- Principle #2 Change your mental filters
- Principle #3 Change your mental habits
- Principle #4 Change your emotional response habits
- Principle #5 Change your reality through changed actions
Even if you are a complete beginner to this concept, you can quickly grasp the idea and make the changes necessary to get you on the path to controlling not just your thought and actions, but every aspect of your life, forever.
Scroll up and now and click Add to Cart for your copy and get started today!
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The Art of Resilience: How to Overcome Adversity and Thrive by Kelly Ray

"The Art of Resilience: How to Overcome Adversity and Thrive" is a comprehensive self-help guide that teaches readers the strategies and techniques needed to cultivate a resilient mindset in the face of adversity. This practical guide provides readers with tips and techniques for developing a growth mindset, cultivating positive emotions, building strong relationships, developing adaptability and flexibility, staying mindful, improving physical health, finding purpose, and ultimately achieving a resilient life. The book is packed with actionable advice, inspiring stories, and scientific research on resilience, making it an essential resource for anyone looking to overcome challenges and thrive in today's world.
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Unmasking Autism by Lyla Cohen

Unmasking Autism: Unmasking the Challenges and Celebrating the Strengths of the Spectrum
Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It is considered a spectrum disorder because the symptoms and severity can vary widely from person to person. It's important to note that autism is not a disorder that one can be "cured" from, but rather a different way of perceiving and processing the world.
This audiobook will help you get a better understanding of autism and how one can navigate this condition. Learn tips and advice on how one can thrive and lead fulfilling and successful lives despite this condition.
This audiobook will cover the following topics:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Celebrating Special Interests
- Cultivating Autistic relationships
- Reframing Autistic stereotypes
- Navigating the Educational System
- Understanding the importance of early intervention
- Managing Common Challenges
- Supporting the Whole Family
- And many more
If you want to learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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Discover the top audiobooks in Developmental for May 2024. For additional audiobooks, the latest articles, and more, check out sounded dot com.


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