Chart-topping Religious Audiobooks of May 2024
Sounded showcases some of the best audiobooks in Religious for May 2024. Listen to the highlights of these epic titles.
Juan XXIII, una vocación frustrada by José Luis Olaizola
San Juan XXIII el Papa humilde o el Papa bueno, que de ambas formas era conocido, sigue siendo considerado el Papa del Concilio por la gran trascendencia que el Vaticano II ha tenido y tendrá en la Iglesia contemporánea y en la del futuro. Además, participó como enfermero en la Primera Guerra Mundial, fue delegado apostólico en Bulgaria. Grecia y Turquía -donde ayudó a salvar a muchos judíos de las garras del nazismo-, así como nuncio en París, Patriarca de Venecia... A la hora de su muerte, desfilan por su mente las personas a las que quiso y confia en que se le abrirán las puertas del Cielo, no por lo que hizo, sino por lo que amó. Su familia y sobre todo su madre, el tío Zaverio. el párroco don Rebuzzini, el obispo Tedeschi, la niña Catalina Hudson. enferma de leucemia, que tanto le impresionó, su fiel secretario Loris Capovilla... y al fondo, un paisaje recurrente: la ladera sagrada de Sotto il Monte, el pueblo donde nació. Fue canonizado por el Papa Francisco el 27 de abril de 2014.
José Luis Olaizola ha investigado el Diario del alma de san Juan XXIII, las cartas a familiares e incluso su testamento espiritual, para recrear, en primera persona y con un estilo sencillo y emocionado, la peripecia vital de este gran hombre que nació con vocación de cura de aldea y terminó siendo Papa por obediencia.
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Waking Up From The Dream by Gareth Duignam
Gareth Duignam, born in Dublin, Ireland in 1979, shares his transformative journey in this autobiography. From a life of non-conformity, he embarked on a spiritual awakening that led him to become a teacher, proficient in transmitting potent energies like Shaktipat and the Supramental Force.
This candid narrative delves into Gareth's pre-awakening life and his miraculous unveiling of truth beyond illusions. It chronicles his evolution into an irreverent, humorous, and loving teacher for the True Spiritual Awakening group. Notably, Gareth's teaching style stands out as he views himself as a friend, an equal, and a teammate rather than a guru. His mission is to empower others to reach the heights he has attained.
Throughout the story, readers encounter Gareth's profound epiphanies, which are said to transmit energy to those who engage with them. Reading this book becomes a spiritual meditation practice in itself. Gareth's post-awakening personality remains down-to-earth, humorously genuine, making this book a humble gift to the world—a must-read for contemporary spiritual seekers.
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Prevail: The Process of Overcoming by Jinary Arce-Cotto
Growing up I was expected to look a certain way, act a certain way and talk a certain way. My parents pastored a few churches and my siblings and I followed their every move like ducks in a row. Everyone thought we were the perfect family. Beautiful parents who made the ultimate power couple and their talented and even more beautiful children. We were praised, admired and envied. Yet, little did anyone know what transpired when we said our goodbyes and shut the door to our home. No one knew the secrets, the lies, the betrayals, and the sacrifices. If not for an amazing woman of God, I don't know how'd we survive the horrors we endured. This woman protected us with all she could, put herself in danger's path for us, held us together with all her might and fell on her face before God for us. This woman is my mother.
Only the love of a mother could endure the storms we faced. The older I became the more I knew, and the more I knew, the more compelled I was to share her story. Her story of abuse, ridicule, and pain. Her story of triumph, revelation, and joy. Her story is my story. Her story is my brothers' story. Her story is my sister's story. Her story is your story. It's time the curtain was pulled back and the story was told. This is the time to break generational curses and stop all types of abuse. This is Prevailing, the process of overcoming.
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LA VIDA DE SANTA MÓNICA: Modelo de madres cristianas by Frances Alice Forbes
Este libro es, por encima de todo, la historia de una madre. Pero también es la historia de una noble mujer, una mujer que fue realmente grandiosa, justamente porque ella nunca trató de ser así. Porque ella entendió la esfera en la que el trabajo de una mujer en el mundo generalmente debe consistir y verdaderamente dirigió su vida según las líneas que Dios le había tendido; porque sufrió valientemente, se olvidó de sí misma por otros y se mantuvo fiel a sus nobles ideales, ella gobernó como una reina entre aquellos con quienes le tocó vivir. Su influencia fue muy grande y de un gran alcance, pero ella misma fue la última en sospecharlo, la última en desearlo, y ese fue quizás el secreto de su grandeza.
Este tipo de mujer es raro hoy en día, pero, ¡gracias a Dios! aún hay Mónicas todavía en el mundo. Si hubiera más, el mundo sería un lugar mejor.
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Hollywood to the Himalayas by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati
Hollywood to the Himalayas is the enlightening memoir of a reluctant spiritual seeker who finds much more than she bargained for when she travels to India.
As a Stanford grad in the midst of getting her PhD in Psychology, Sadhvi Sarawati was comfortable with her life. Despite years of grappling with an eating disorder and trauma from her early childhood, she felt as if she was successfully navigating her way through early adulthood. When she agreed to travel to India to appease her husband—and because she loved the food—Sadhvi would have never imagined that she would be embarking on a journey of healing and awakening.
Hollywood to the Himalayas describes Sadhvi’s odyssey towards divine enlightenment and inspiration through her extraordinary connection with her guru and renewed confidence in the pleasure and joy that life can bring. Now one of the preeminent female spiritual teachers in the world, Sadhvi recounts her journey with wit, honesty, and clarity and, along the way, offers teachings to help us all step onto our own path of awakening and discover the truth of who we really are—embodiments of the Divine.
“Sadhviji models for us, at the deepest level, that in the true teaching of the spiritual traditions, healing and grace are always possible.” —Prince Ea, in the foreword to Hollywood to the Himalayas
“Vivid and poetic…her journey is a river of love, compelling in its authenticity and unflinching honesty. …a must for anyone who is interested in exploring different paths to fulfilment and to the Creator.” —Jane Goodall
“Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati is a great teacher of spirituality and consciousness. Her inspiring wisdom illuminates the path to healing, happiness, and inner peace.” —Deepak Chopra
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