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Cancer Audiobooks May 2024 Must-Haves

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Cancer Audiobooks May 2024 Must-Haves

The May 2024 audiobook guide for Cancer enthusiasts.

58 Recetas Únicas para el Cáncer de Próstata by Joe Correa CSN

El hecho de que uno de cada siete hombres será diagnosticado con cáncer de próstata es simplemente sorprendente. Esta enfermedad extremadamente seria es la tercera causa de muerte por cáncer en Estados Unidos. Estas estadísticas sugieren que cuidar de su salud reproductiva y reconocer los síntomas del cáncer de próstata es vital para prevenir estas complicaciones.
Los síntomas más comunes de los problemas de próstata y de cáncer incluyen anormalidades al orinar, dolor, eyaculación dolorosa, dolor pélvico o abdominal, disfunción eréctil, inflamación extrema y sangre en la orina o semen. A pesar de que no todos estos síntomas indican cáncer de próstata, podrían ser un signo de condiciones médicas serias que requieran una intervención médica inmediata. El cáncer de próstata sólo puede ser diagnosticado por una biopsia de tejido.
Comer las cantidades correctas de frutas y vegetales reducirá definitivamente el riesgo de contraer cáncer de próstata. La cantidad diaria recomendada de frutas y vegetales frescos es de 4-5 tazas. La mayoría de las personas tienen cronogramas ocupados, y es por ello que definitivamente creo que los jugos son una gran opción.
A pesar de que muchos tipos de frutas y vegetales son extremadamente saludables, saber cuáles combinar para obtener el máximo beneficio es clave. Las frutas y verduras verdes, rojas y naranjas están repletas de carotenoides, que son especialmente beneficiosos para el cáncer de próstata. Algunos de los mejores ingredientes para jugos incluyen: espinaca, col rizada, verdes de diente de león, naranjas, pomelos, bayas, zanahorias y tomates. Estas frutas y verduras sabrosas son la base de las recetas en este audiolibro. La mayoría de estos ingredientes tienen un sabor relativamente neutral, y pueden ser combinados simplemente con hierbas y especies diferentes para un sabor magnífico.
Estos jugos son poderosos para impulsar su sistema inmune en solo unos días y ayudarlo a prevenir el cáncer de próstata.
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42 Recetas de Comidas Naturales Para Cáncer de Ovarios by Joe Correa

El cáncer de ovarios es una enfermedad seria y peligrosa que afecta mayoritariamente a las mujeres. Es la segunda enfermedad ginecológica diagnosticada con más frecuencia y más letal. Es causada por el crecimiento incontrolado de células malignas o cancerígenas en los ovarios. La causa de este crecimiento es aún desconocida, pero es generalmente relacionada con la edad, fertilidad, embarazo tardío, menopausia retrasada, historia familiar de cáncer de ovarios, tratamientos hormonales, infertilidad y obesidad. Sin embargo, algunos estudios han demostrado que el uso de anticonceptivos reduce el riesgo de contraer cáncer de ovarios. Los exámenes ginecológicos regulares y el descubrimiento temprano, hacen que esta enfermedad sea curable en el 90% de los casos, con muchos tratamientos disponibles.
Otra cosa importante que puede hacer es mejorar su sistema inmune, lo que ayudará a mantener saludable y resistente a las células cancerígenas. La mejor forma es a través de la alimentación. Comidas saludables como frutas, vegetales, frutos secos, semillas, legumbres y aceites saludables, le darán a su cuerpo la fortaleza para combatir todas las enfermedades, incluyendo el cáncer de ovarios.
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Cancer Secrets: The Complete Health Guide to Colon Cancer, Learn Everything About the Diagnosis and Treatment for this Silent Killer in Order to Protect Yourself by Micah Grant

Cancer Secrets: The Complete Health Guide to Colon Cancer, Learn Everything About the Diagnosis and Treatment for this Silent Killer in Order to Protect Yourself
According to, 1 in every 6 deaths worldwide was caused by Cancer. This is more than AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria combine. It is the second-leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer is the umbrella name given to hundreds of diseases and disorders. It is a disease characterized by the unchecked division of abnormal cells in your organs. If this type of growth is found in your colon, then this is diagnosed as colon cancer.
In the US, Colorectal (colon and rectum) cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths. In 2019, there were more than 50,000 deaths caused by this type of cancer. But the good news is this is one of the most preventable common cancers.
This audiobook, it will teach you everything you need to know about Colon cancer: what it is, what possibly causes it as well as treatments available. You would also hear from someone who has experienced colon cancer.
In-depth, this audiobook will discuss the following topics:
- What is Colon Cancer?
- What Contributes to Colon Cancer
- Colon Cancer and Genetics
- How to Test for Colon Cancer
- Treatments for Colon Cancer
- Grape Seed Extract and Colon Cancer
- Statistics on Colon Cancer
- Women and Colon Cancer
- Side Effects of Colon Cancer Chemotherapy
- Colon Cancer Prevention
- Stage and Treatment
- Colon Cleansing and Colon Cancer
- Colon Cancer and Missing Hormones
- Vitamin D and Colon Cancer
- Colon Cancer and Race
- Laetrile: Another False Hope
- How Colon Cancer Affects Families
- Colon Cancer Support Groups
- How Emotions Affect Your Colon Cancer Treatment
- A True Life Colon Cancer Experience
- Children's Colon
To know more about Colon Cancer, scroll up and click "add to cart" now and see how it could possibly save your life!
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Fighting and Preventing Cancer Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer and Cancer Secrets by Micah Grant

Fighting and Preventing Cancer Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer and Cancer Secrets
Hearing that you or your loved one has cancer is one of the most terrifying things that can happen to you. According to, 1 in every 6 deaths worldwide was caused by Cancer. This is more than AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria combined. It is the second-leading cause of death worldwide. The numbers are terrifying and I'm sure it makes you want to understand more about cancer, its causes, and what you can do to prevent it. The good news is, at least 42% of these newly diagnosed cancers are avoidable. So it is crucial you learn what you can do to help you and your loved ones avoid cancer.
This bundle aims to give you the easiest guide you can have to overcome or prevent cancer. It will teach you the information you need about all the underlying causes of cancer so you will know how to prevent them. One of the audiobooks in this bundle will discuss Colon Cancer specifically.
This two-in-one bundle includes the following audiobooks:
1. The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: The Ultimate Guide To Fighting Off Cancer, Learn Useful Tips and Effective Ways to Keep Cancer at Bay
2. Cancer Secrets: The Complete Health Guide to Colon Cancer, Learn Everything About the Diagnosis and Treatment for this Silent Killer in Order to Protect Yourself
Get this Fighting and Preventing Cancer 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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33 Prostate Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Help You Fight Cancer, Increase Your Energy, and Feel Better by Joe Correa CSN

Cancer, in general, is a well-known disease that attacks many organs and other parts of our body, somehow it increases the abnormal growth of cells causing the spread of carcinoma in a process called metastases; although there are many treatments for cancer they are extremely invasive, and can many times kill good cells in the process. Prostate Cancer is a main concern for many men these days.
Preventing cancer is all about developing a style of life that involves a healthy diet and physical exercise. Being conscious about your food intake is the first step for a healthier life. To do that you should be aware of the qualities and properties of the foods you eat as well as the best way to cook them to get the maximum positive effects. The purpose of this book is to provide you with newer and better ways to nourish your body with non-processed foods, and in the process, changing your old eating habits for more promising ones.
Eating healthier can be delicious if you know what foods to combine and how. Eating smarter will drastically change how your body is able to use the vitamins and minerals you feed it to boost your immune system and prevent you from any kind of disease. Add these recipes to your day-to-day life to prevent and fight prostate cancer.
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