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Binge-worthy SELF-HELP Audiobooks for April 2024

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Binge-worthy SELF-HELP Audiobooks for April 2024

Our top audiobook recommendation for SELF-HELP during April 2024 is here.

Introducción al Yoga by Annie Besant

Introducción al Yoga de Annie Besant es una obra fundamental para todo aquel que quiera conocer la filosofía y la práctica del yoga. En este libro, Besant ofrece una introducción clara y concisa a los ocho miembros del yoga, según los Sutras de Patanjali.
Besant comienza por definir el yoga como "el arte de unir el alma individual con el alma universal". Luego, describe los ocho miembros del yoga, que son:
Yama: las reglas de conducta moral.
Niyama: las prácticas espirituales.
Asana: las posturas de yoga.
Pranayama: el control de la respiración.
Pratyahara: el retiro de los sentidos.
Dharana: la concentración.
Dhyana: la meditación.
Samadhi: la unión con el Absoluto.
Besant explica cada uno de estos miembros del yoga con detalle, proporcionando información sobre su historia, su significado y su práctica. También ofrece consejos prácticos para los estudiantes de yoga, tanto principiantes como avanzados.
Introducción al Yoga es un libro bien escrito y accesible. Besant tiene un estilo claro y conciso, y su conocimiento del yoga es profundo y abarcador. El libro es una valiosa fuente de información para cualquier persona interesada en aprender sobre el yoga.
Introducción clara y concisa a los ocho miembros del yoga.
Información detallada sobre la historia, el significado y la práctica del yoga.
Consejos prácticos para los estudiantes de yoga.
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Yo Soy Así Y 300 Otras Mentiras Que Nos Decimos A Diario Para Conciliar El Sueno by DENISSE AGUILERA HANSEN VIK

Este es un libro con más de 300 CONSEJOS ILUSTRADOS aplicables a la vida diaria. Los consejos están divididos en los aspectos más importantes de la vida: trabajo, negocios, FAMILIA, hijos, salud, NUTRICIÓN, deporte, FINANZAS familiares, EQUILIBRIO EMOCIONAL, amistad, inversiones, salud, entre otros.
Todos los consejos son inspirados en experiencias y anécdotas del autor y soportados por la ciencia. Es un libro para no lectores, pues se puede leer una pequeña cápsula al día e ir avanzando paulatinamente en su lectura y en la vida. El objetivo del autor es que logres ser TU MEJOR VERSIÓN e impactes positivamente a tu familia, tus amigos, la sociedad y el mundo en el que vivimos.
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Mindfulness Essentials: The Essential Guide to Practicing Mindfulness, Learn Effective Strategies on Changing the Way You Think So You Can Achieve Your Goals in Life by Katia Kane

Mindfulness Essentials: The Essential Guide to Practicing Mindfulness, Learn Effective Strategies on Changing the Way You Think So You Can Achieve Your Goals in Life
If you had the ability to learn something that could significantly change all aspects of your life, what would it be? One of the best things you could ever learn in your life is the ability to control the way you think and control your emotions. Because our interpretation of events, more than the events themselves, dictate our actions and how we feel about the situation. It could affect your mood and happiness and your ability to focus.
Mindfulness can help us calm our thoughts and reflect on the contents of our minds. Studies show that mindfulness also reduces anxiety, reduces implicit age and race bias, can treat depression, improves cognition, and helps our brain reduce distractions. Mindfulness meditation is also known to reduce symptoms of PTSD 73% of the time. With all of these benefits, it is no wonder why a lot of people are now practicing meditation techniques.
This audiobook would teach how controlling your emotions is the secret to happiness and the secret to ultimately getting what you want in life. It would show you how to stay calm and focused so you can prevent any stress response. You will discover how controlling your emotions can lead to changes in your life that could result in a more productive and successful life.
In this audiobook, you will learn about the following:
-What is Mindfulness?
- How to Start Using Mindfulness?
- Introducing Cognitive Restructuring
- How to Use Cognitive Restructuring in the Real World
- Stress and Flow States
- Why You Should Visualize
- The Power of Belief
The practice of mindfulness and meditation has been around for thousands of years but it has only recently gained popularity because we were now able to see how these practices change the way our brain thinks, scroll up and click "add to cart" now.
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Demystifying Purpose by Simone Maria Quinn

Are you done “finding” your purpose and finally ready to “connect” with the one that was always within you?
Are you done with feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, stuck or lost?
Are you done feeling ‘Not Good Enough’ because apparently, you’re the only one clueless while everyone else knows their purpose?
IF you’re truly done with ‘that old way’ and are now ready to:
- create and live a life guided by meaning and purpose,
- accept and embrace yourself and live your truth, and
- live a life of joy, inner happiness and peace, THEN this book is for you.
In this book Simone guides you through the ten pillars, based on her own journey, as the foundation to navigating one’s unique life path, connecting to your purpose and living a fulfilled and meaningful life.
The ten pillars (chapters) are strategically placed under four sections:
Explores knowing your why by embracing your uniqueness, believing you're enough and getting back on your path.
Explores the ‘how’ of you by identifying with yourself, your beliefs, needs and personal standards. It also explores trusting your intuition, knowing your values and living your virtues.
Explores the concept of doing the work and being in the ‘driver’s seat of your life', awakening your potential, believing in yourself, and being who you want to be and doing what you want to do.
Explores how change is a seed for personal growth, and how living your truth, connecting with your purpose, sharing your wisdom and making a difference can bring meaning and fulfilment to your life.
‘Demystifying Purpose’ provides you, the reader with a doable road map including journal prompts and questions to assist you in making decisions to overcome whatever may be internally preventing you from connecting you and to your purpose on your unique journey in life.
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Spontaneous Brilliance by Sandra Cavanaugh

Some part of you knows you are brilliant. You may not believe it or understand it or even fully recognize it, but deep inside, you can feel it! And that’s why we’re here. We are here to bring that feeling—that little whisper of possibility—into glorious expression.
Welcome to Spontaneous Brilliance, a specific and simple guide to help you notice and nurture the genius within yourself and all those around you. We’re going to break through some long-held myths and misunderstandings and explore ways to:
- recognize and honor your own brilliance
- reignite your sense of playfulness and wonder
- think, decide, and act with clarity and confidence
- step to center stage in your own life
- show the world the magnificent, unique, creative genius that is you
“If you have been waiting in the wings of your own life wondering how or if you could ever find a way to bring your passion from deep inside you to creative fruition – your wait is over! Spontaneous Brilliance is here!”
- Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
“Spontaneous Brilliance provides powerful insights and strategies for awakening your unique creative genius and developing the confidence to express it. If you’re ready to live a purpose-filled life as a conscious creator, I recommend you begin with this essential primer from one of the most insightful people I know, the amazing Sandra Cavanaugh.”
- Debra Poneman, bestselling author, speaker and founder of Yes to Success, Inc.
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Immerse yourself in the leading audiobooks in SELF-HELP for April 2024. For more audiobooks, articles, and additional content, go to sounded dot com.


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