Frederick James Furnivall

Author Profile

Frederick James Furnivall was a British philologist, editor, and lexicographer, born on February 4, 1825, in Egham, Surrey, England. He was the son of a surgeon and received his education at University College School and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. After completing his studies, Furnivall worked as a teacher and later as a civil servant.
Furnivall was a prolific writer and editor, and his works covered a wide range of subjects, including literature, language, and history. He was a co-founder of the Early English Text Society, which aimed to publish all surviving literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the end of the Middle Ages. He also founded the Chaucer Society, which published critical editions of the works of Geoffrey Chaucer.
One of Furnivall's most famous works is The Babees Book, a collection of medieval instructions for children on how to behave. The book was published in 1868 and includes advice on topics such as table manners, hygiene, and social etiquette.

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Audiobooks by Frederick James Furnivall

The Babees' Book Audiobook by Frederick James Furnivall
The Babees' Book
Frederick James Furnivall
Sounded Synthetic Narrated Audiobook
Audiobook - 0h 9m