Edgar Franklin

Author Profile

Edgar Franklin was an American author born in 1862 in Ohio. He began his writing career as a journalist, working for various newspapers in Ohio and Indiana. In 1890, he moved to New York City and began writing fiction.
Franklin's writing style was characterized by his use of humor and satire. He often wrote about the middle class and their struggles with social norms and expectations. His stories were popular in magazines such as Harper's Weekly and The Saturday Evening Post.
One of Franklin's most famous works is the short story "In and Out," which was published in 1905. The story is about a man who becomes trapped in a revolving door and the chaos that ensues. The story was praised for its humor and clever use of language.
Another notable work by Franklin is the novel "The Education of Mr. Pipp," which was published in 1913. The novel is a satire of the American education system and follows the misadventures of a young teacher named Mr. Pipp.

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Audiobooks by Edgar Franklin


In and Out Audiobook by Edgar Franklin
In and Out
Edgar Franklin
Sounded Synthetic Narrated Audiobook
Audiobook - 6h 12m