Anna Sewell

Author Profile

Anna Sewell was born on March 30, 1820, in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. She was the second child of Mary Wright Sewell and Isaac Sewell, a successful merchant and banker. Anna's mother was a writer and her father was a Quaker, which influenced Anna's beliefs and values throughout her life.
At the age of 14, Anna fell while walking home from school and injured her ankles. This injury never fully healed and left her unable to walk without the aid of crutches or a wheelchair. Despite her physical limitations, Anna was an avid reader and writer. She began writing stories and poems at a young age and continued to do so throughout her life.
Anna's most famous work is the novel Black Beauty, which she wrote in 1877. The book is a fictional autobiography of a horse named Black Beauty, and it was one of the first books to address animal welfare issues. The novel became an instant bestseller and has been translated into numerous languages. It has also been adapted into several films and television series.

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Audiobooks by Anna Sewell


Black Beauty Audiobook by Anna Sewell
Black Beauty
Anna Sewell
Sounded Synthetic Narrated Audiobook
Audiobook - 4h 53m
Black Beauty Audiobook by Anna Sewell
Black Beauty
Anna Sewell
Studio Narrated Audiobook
Audiobook - 5h 43m